Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Our Super Christmas tree

Christmas tree is always the most expected part of the whole Christmas. Of course our Christmas tree will not absence in this Christmas.
Today morning at 6 o’clock, Vini and I got up early and quickly had breakfast. After all, we took shovel and forks, and then push the wheelbarrow on our way. We were going to get our Christmas tree.
5 minutes later, we arrived the end of our home’s drive way. While Vini was pushing the wheelbarrow passing through the grass and rocks, I checked the little pine tree we chose last week. The tree looked very good for Christmas tree. We start our working. First of all, we used fork losing the soil around the tree. The soil was pretty soft because the ice in the soil melted by the sunshine. The second step was to cut the roots of the tree. We needed to make sure the tree still had enough roots to absorb nutrition and water. Actually, the roots were too hard to cut off so we used big scissor to cut them. After a while, the tree was isolated with the ground. Vini and I took pictures with the tree. The tree was a little bit taller than me. By the way, while we were taking pictures, the tree was actually not hold by us because it was too spiky to handle. We just laid the tree on the wheelbarrow and hold the back of the tree. I still looked very nice and handsome.
We moved the tree and planted the tree at the place outside of the dining room so we could see the tree while we were eating. Also, I tided the tree with ropes to make sure it would not be blown out by the wind.
After noon, Jackie, Vini and I started decorating our Christmas tree. Our Christmas tree was different than the normal one. It was the tree for wild life such as birds and deer so we decorated the tree by stringing cranberry, popcorn, golden raisins and current by several sawing string. And then we covered the pine corn we collected from the driveway by the peanut butter and bird food. After all, we hanged them on the tree and also put the lights and a big star on the tree. It looked beautiful and delicious.
Although we designed the tree for wild bird and deer, the first custom was our dogs: Joonburg and Red Potler. At first, we didn’t realize why Red stay under the tree, but after seeing a pine corn in his mouth, we knew this Christmas was also for our “wild life”-the dogs.
The night we usually spent couple hours with Jackie chatting and laughing. Following the melody of Jazz music from the radio station, we relaxed between the warm atmosphere and our brightly beautiful Christmas tree with wild life and our dummy dog.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

History Trip to Monticello

This morning was not that cold. Ham, Joko, Vini and I took bus together to school. Today we had another field trip. We will go to Thomas Jefferson’s house-Monticello.
Going into the bus, Mr. Custis was counting students. He is the bus driver today.
Monticello is Thomas Jefferson’s (The 3rd president of the US) plantation for retirement. It is a two-floor building with great a farm, which provided Jefferson’s family daily veggies.
Arriving to the tourist’s center of Monticello, The view was full of fall maple leaves. The bus finally stopped at the tourist’s center. We took another shuttle bus to the top of the hill.
With us, there was an old man with nice suit talked about the history of Monticello. Thomas Jefferson designed this building with well natural lighting and well isolated. He used many glass windows to make the indoor space bright and comfy. Also, he had a great big book room with his bed. He had many scientific instruments around his room. Model of solar system seemed rotating regularly in these 200 years. Laying down the desk, there is a bookstand, which can carry five books in the same time. Behind the desk, there is a wall with three big pieces of glasses provide enough lighting for reading and working. Except president and other political career, Jefferson was also a scientist and inventor. He invented a little machine which can help him sealing the letter automatically. He is a smart guy.
Also, we saw the dining room. Jefferson was a vegetarian. His favorite food is pea. In his dining room, I saw many fancy silver wears and food of 18 century.
Outside of the Monticello, its garden is also very neat. On the hill, you can see the University of Virginia easily. Jefferson design this for watching his own university conveniently. The tour guide also bought us to his wareroom for wine and beer. We also visited Jefferson’s smoking house which let me feel scared. In Jefferson’s era, they cure the meat or used hickory wood and pine wood to smoke the meat for storing instead of refregirator.
After Jefferson’s house, we went to his plant farm and his graveyard. Many of us threw some penny or dime on his gravestone for showing our reguards. Thomas Jefferson is my favorite figure in American history. He is a little bit similar than I am. He pursued perfect in any field as I do. I think we will become good friends if he is still alive. Thomas Jefferson is an important person to the United states. He carried multi-duty on his shoulder when he was in the political seat. He was the Ambassador to French and on of member signed the Declaration of Independence. He was also Washinton’s secretary of state. In Chinese, we had a proverb called ‘’ The stronger man has heavier duty (能者多勞)’’. He is a good example. I should learn some spirit and attitude from him for being a man who has great deed.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Last Week pictures

History project
Christmas tree in Virginia Art museum
Me and Joko Kurachi
pencil sketch
the sun, the plum flower and our republic

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Final Art Paper

The Final Art Paper
Yen Hwa
The art works from beginner usually has no formal skill or official way to read but full of original creative ideas and new skills. I am not an art beginner actually but my last artwork before now is 3 years ago. This semester in Ms. Dodson’s art class, we learn how use official way to create art and analyze art but also preserve our own creation. I did around 40 artworks this semester. They are watercolor painting, Acrylic painting, pencil sketch and sculptures. The following their artworks present my skill and the opinion of art the most.

The sun, plum flower and our Republic of China (Taiwan)
Block Print, Oct 2007

This artwork was printed from a rubber board. I used curved and straight line to create the suns and the plum flower. The way I placed them was followed the alternating position to create the comfortable formal balance. Also I used blue and red to create strong complementary among suns, plum flowers and the white background. Also the geometric circle and square create the variety of space with the organic shape of the plum flower. The flowing rhythm, regular rhythm of suns makes it looked righteous. The flowing rhythm, random rhythm and the progressive rhythm of plum flowers make is looked fresh and beautiful. This picture has no especial emphasis. In other word, the whole picture is focal point because it is consisted by many alternating patterns.
In order to make my block print has two different colors, I applied a kind of skill. I did separate the whole printing process into two parts. First, I color blue (the darker color) on the center sun of my rubber printing board. After 20 minutes. I color red (the lighter color) on the background and print. This way is better than way of coloring all the board in the same time. You can get clearer and cleaner pictures.
The name of this artwork is “ The sun, plum flower and our Republic of China (Taiwan)”.
I did this because of the love and passion of my hometown, my country and the land nurtures me.
This kind of topic I called it the patriotic advertisement of 1950-1970 era of Taiwan. The plum flower is my national flower. Because the plum flower only blossoms in the extremely cold winter, it present my country will overcome every struggle and exist. The sun has twelve beams. It means our nation will exist eternally. The blue present our democracy and liberty.
Collect millions of books in one (my electronic dictionary)
Acrylic painting Nov. 2007

This is an acrylic painting. I used many book motifs to create a feeling of mass. Also, the position of the electronic dictionary shows it is the emphasis of whole the picture. This picture has informal balance. I used dark red, dark green and dark blue to compare with the color of the electronic dictionary for creating the formal balance based on color. The size of the books from big to small creates the progressing rhythm. The rhythm of the Chinese words is flowing rhythm. And on the left side of the painting is the Chinese stamp, which has Regular Square and organic lines. The color of painting is not many but also create the emphasis.
This is the artwork of Chinese Classic style but painting with western brush and acrylic color. I also used some black color to write some Chinese words. The whole meaning of the sentence is ‘’ Collect million of books in one (my electronic dictionary). There are my name and the dummy stamp on the right side corner. Chinese handwriting is an important part of Chinese traditional art. Our word is kind of visual word system, which is based on visual understanding. English words are formed by sound alphabet, which is meaningless. Additionally, I left much space for my Chinese words because our painting has strong informal balance between the words and the main object. This is a Chinese style painting.
I draw this painting for honoring my electronic dictionary, which accomplished with me during the whole progress of being an exchange student. Since I prepared for the test an interview of being an exchange student, this electronic dictionary helped me to read hundreds page of English articles. Also, when I have some problem of spelling word, it provides me a convenient way to get my answer.
I still remember the struggle of buying it. I studied hard, did many projects and worked for my dad in order to save money for it. It is my good friend.

The city, The Traffic Jam and The Tree
Pencil sketch Dec. 2007

This picture is a simple pencil sketch. I used organic and curve line to sketch the outline of the tree for creating the random rhythm. The car is outlined by geometric curves and construction. I used many straight parallels to create the regular rhythm on my cold and organized buildings and streets. The position of the tree shows the tree is the emphasis. The complex value and shape of the tree also make itself the focal point of the picture. The proportion of the cars shows the cars go further. It also creates some progressive rhythm. The position of the tree (left hand side) shows its informal balance.
Sometimes, Drawing is not only record something real but also present the abstract feeling. It can be an abstract painting or just combine many different objects. In this pencil sketch, I sketched whole the tree out side of the classroom especially in this cold winter. The cold temperature helped me to concentrate on sketching and realize how the trees stand in the cold winter. It is worthy to stand outside for sketching the tree. I am not good at drawing a tree because there are many leaves. This time I sketched the tree according to the skill of Thia’s pencil sketches of Illinois
I got a pretty good result.
The reason made I did this sketch is to show the conflict between economic development and our nature. When we build one house, we need to do some deforestation for building space and the material. Cutting a tree uses about 5 to 10 minutes but growing a tree uses about 10 to 20 years. Now, after you finish your reading of art paper, there is a soccer field big forest being destroyed. How can we stand and continue destroying our only world?
<The end>

After all, I need to show my best appreciation to my art teacher
Mrs. Whitaker Dodson. Thank her for lighting my passion of art. Thank her bring me fire and flame in these autumn and winter. -Hwa Yen Dec. 2007

The History Project

The History Project
This weekend was a busy weekend. We built our garden and went to the youth group church. The rest of the time, I used to do my history project. We needed to build a model which showed the whole view of one of the battle in the American civil war.
I chose the battle of Hampton Roads (also called the battle of ironclads). It was a naval battle occurred in Virginia. In the Union’s Anaconda plan to crush the rebel, the third goal was to blockade the south. The southern confederate states tried to break the blockade so they built an iron-plated ship the CSS Virginia to attack the Union’s frigates. The Union also built a little iron ship the USS Monitor against the south. The result of the battle was Union’s victory.
In order to build a model without wasting the resource, I used some Styrofoam and cardboards. I spent the whole afternoon to shape the ship and assemble together. After that, I put some bubble wrapper as the ocean and some tooth picks covered by tape as cannons. It looked pretty good and neat.
Also, we needed to make a presentation in front of everybody in English in the
history class. I was quiet nervous about that. I searched the internet for some information and printed them out.
At the start of my presentation, I was too nervous to read the paper bur I got better after that. This was a good experience.
After me is my Brazilian brother Vini. His project is the model of the battle of the new market. He made some paper solider and some cardboard valley. He had better English than I did so he talked a lot.
We both did a good job. We should have it in Taiwan.

The Art Field Trip to Virginia Museum of Final Art, Richmond

Today is a cold day. In the morning, I woke up and had breakfast as well and then I went outside for feeding dogs. Gosh! The temperature was about 25 Fahrenheit. It is 4 degree centigrade below zero. Today we might have snow.
When I arrived school, I went to my first period class. My math teacher came and asked us go outside of the house so we went outside and didn’t know why. Until there was a white point pas through my face, I realized that was snow. Snow, I looked forward. At start, there is not much snow fell. But after ten minutes, the snow came with strong wind and fell on everyone’s face. It was snowing, the real one. Our school bus left our school following snow.
That was one hour and half to Richmond. On the bus, I sat with my friends Charles and Blue. We talked many things about the cars and motor. Charles has a big red GMC truck. He drives to school by himself everyday. Also, I made many new friends. The bus ran on the super high way loudly. One hour and a quarter later, we arrived the Richmond. It was different than last week. Our bus came through the urban living block. The city has many old houses with different color. Except cars, Richmond is a beautiful city.
When we arrived the art museum, the snow stopped. The weather was still cold. Finally, we could enter the museum. I saw a giant elevator that the area was about 8 square meters.
This museum has many southern style artworks. The artwork impressed me the most was a hunter sculpture. I dislike hunting activity but this sculpture is really neat. It consisted by a hunter rides on horse with several hunting dogs. The sculpture is very lifelike and vivid.
The second thing I liked the most was an oil painting called’’ the alive creature and oysters”. It was just a realistic painting. Although the oysters and died pigeon was quite scary. I appreciated about the skill of drawing the real life. I hoped I could do that.
At the end of the museum trip, we went to a great dome to see some Rome art. I didn’t like it because there were all religious stuffs. I was confused about a woman statute, which held its own head in its bosom. I also saw a decorated Christmas in the center of the dome. That was a really big Christmas tree. I took a picture.
The art museum was good but I was hungry at the middle day. We went to a bakery for lunch. It was a bakery provided a good place for people having a lunch. My art teacher taught me to order a meal. I ordered a potato soup with bread bowl and a half sandwich. It cost me 7 dollars but the size was really big. I only had time to have my thick soup and an apple. That was really good meal. I packed the sandwich. After lunch, we took a school bus back to school. It was a really good experience to see the American museum and art works. I also saw the snow today. Today was a super lucky day.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The English Field Trip-Edgar Allen Poe Musum

Today was a special wonderful day. I had a field trip to Edgar Allen Poe Museum in Richmond in the whole school day.
This morning was very cold. The weather reporter of the local radio station said the temperature was around 30 F. It was especially cold for me who was wearing only Poe shirt with wool underwear and a coat outside for today’s trip. It was freezing.
On the way to Richmond, I sat next to John. We talked about the sport, I-pod, and the different life between US and Taiwan. I did as best as I could to keep the conversation going. I used the skill that Jackie and Vini taught me yesterday. Don’t ask a question whose answer is yes or no. Try to ask some questions with longer answer.
Reaching to the Poe museum, I saw the urban views of Richmond, the capital of Virginia. It was a great city with the urban side-sky scrapers, viaducts and many parking lots. Everything was fresh and exciting for me. Finally, we stopped in front of the Saint John’s church. We went into the church’s cemetery for finding Poe’s mother, Arnold’s gravestone. The foreign cemetery was not scary at all because of beautiful gardening and interesting gravestone design. Many people made their gravestone like a table or a bench. It is good that we could still benefit other people after passing away. People also can visit it without scariness and sadness. The only thing left is good memory and happiness with these died people.
We went to Poe’s museum as the main point of the trip. Poe’s museum was a place, which had a small but great and beautiful garden inside the several buildings of Poe’s historic relics. We looked-through the whole museum with our director whose name was Chris.
During the trip, I saw one big model, which resented the view of Richmond in Poe’s era. It sounded like somebody built it for about 100 years. The old Richmond had a city hall which was made by Thomas Jefferson was pretty impressed for me because of its Greek style. The model was pretty similar than the downtown Richmond now. City also preserved many old building but Poe’s house unfortunately.
I also saw Poe’s other 19th century furniture. Poe was not a tall man compared with people now but taller than the people in his era. He was about 5 feet tall. I am 6 feet tall. Poe’s death, which was a mystery, was also presented in the Poe museum clearly.
After visiting the Poe museum, we took a school bus to the grocery store Ukrup’s that was not just a normal grocery store. They served much hot food like pizza, sandwiches, fried chicken and other kinds of cuisines. I pent about 8.5 dollar for buying a big slice of Broccoli pizza and a box of veggie sandwich. Their pizza was really big and filled with broccoli, mushroom and cheese. It tasted better than pizza hut’s vegetarian pizza. The sandwiches was pretty expensive but worthy. Two big whole grain breads with tomato, mushroom, pepper, cheese, lettuce and other kinds of leafy vegetables was served with cured pickle. I had a really healthy menu for lunch and these were all vegetarian food.
Beside that, I tried not to sit with exchange students that I already met and tried to sit with American student. They were pretty friendly and generous to share their food with me in order to make me more realize about their food. A girl whose name is Nichole gave couple jelly worm. It looked like a crystal worm but tasted like soft candy. My good friend Blue share a roll bread with me to let me know what was the roll bread. Although I already knew it, I still appreciated about that.
On the way back to school, I sat with my friends and talked with them. They played some funny stuff and told some jokes. I tried to understand what they talked about and made some joke with myself. That was pretty funny.
In the evening, the sun is always the most beautiful in a day. The good memory with my friend in field trip will follow me until dream.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The International Educational week

As an exchange student, my job, mission and responsibility are not only learning the American culture but also presenting my own country and culture. From the daily life style, to the culture difference, I am impressed to the people around me. This weekend I hold one International Educational week for my American schoolmate. Let me tell you my little achievement.
The first thing of planning the presentation is to figure out whom you talked to.
According to the teacher in library, our school starts at 8:30 in the morning but most of students arrived at 8:15. Most of them use this free time (about 15-20miutes) for socializing or using the Internet in the school library. I used this period for my presentation.
I had started my presentation before I came here. 15 week ago, I used the free time of my summer vacation to search the Internet for some information about Taiwan in English (Ex: Wikipedia) and downloaded them. I found a paper model of the Taipei 101, the tallest building in the world. I also went to the administration office of my school for some video about my religion The Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation. My uncle in the US also collected some video, pamphlet and information about it. My mom also helped me to get some pamphlets about Taiwanese culture, history and geography etc from the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan. These are the things I brought from my country.
Before two weeks of the IEW, I started making poster, checking the video, building the model and made arrangements with school teachers (Library, administrator) for space of presentation and the ad in every day morning announcement. Totally. I spent only 15 hours to make these posters and models but the preparation I did is about 2 month. It was worth while I was seeing the joy on the faces of my audience
6. What information about your country did you share with your audience?
I planned many side to introduce my country. They were the history of Taiwan, the geography of Taiwan, the culture of Taiwan, the story of our national flag and my religion Tzu Chi foundation. To avoid “Boring Speech”, I made my speech with many real crafts ( spinning top, painting and the national flag) which I brought from Taiwan and the visual videos(Tzu Chi and Taiwan). I also put some interesting interludes like my little stories and some traditional jokes.
After my presentation, my American friends came and asked more questions about my life in Taiwan.
I thought they realized that who I am more. I also build more friendship between American students. Teachers admire my presentation and even asked their student come to my presentation.
I had very special audience. Because our school took 5 exchange students who came from People’s republic of China, Brazil, Thailand and Japan, they had extremely reactions about my presentation. For example, The students from People’s republic of china was very curious about my personal opinion of the issues of the independence of Taiwan. It was a hot potato to for me talked about the issue but I was glad that I explained my opinion calmly with political and objective words and they accepted my opinion and my passion of my country.
Thank god and the agency gave me this chance to gained more confidence of making a English speech, to make more friends, to build the other people’s respect of me, to learn how to use resources around me to make other people realize me and to learn how to coordinate with other helping peoples.
After the presentation, I also learn and knew more about myself and my country. I did remembered the first I talked about the Taipei 101 was the tallest building in the world but it isn’t anymore so my earnest math teacher searched the Internet and found out that the tallest building is still the Taipei 101. I felt cheerful when I heard this.

I felt a little pity that I couldn’t provide Taiwanese food to my American friends because I didn’t have the material. Taiwanese snack usually use some glutinous rice to make it tastier but I couldn’t find it even in Wal-mart and some international food store. Also, Taiwanese snacks are mostly fried so I couldn’t bring it to school because the fried food will become oily by staying for a long time. I am still finding the way to let my friends taste Taiwanese delicious snacks.
I also realized that the public announcement was a good tool better than the poster to advertise the program.

As an exchange student, my job, mission and responsibility are not only learning the American culture but also presenting my own country and culture. From the daily life style, to the culture difference, I am impressed to the people around me. I learned from experience and realized from dealing with people. The exchange student’s spirit is in my mind and on my way. I will do as best as I can, just like my pride country and people.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Haunted Village

Haunted Village
It was a fascinating experience that I didn’t have in Taiwan at all.
Yesterday, my teacher in English class mentioned that tonight our school would hold one ’’ Haunted Village’’. I assumed that was Hunting village because of sound. My classmate corrected me and told me if I bought one Edgar Allen Poe (An American writer who was famous by his scary fictions in 19th century) souvenir T-shirt, I could enter the village for free. To day, Ham and I went to Ms. Womack’s classroom for ordering one. That was a pretty nice shirt. I liked Poe’s moustache.

Tonight after dinner, Jackie took us to the school gym. There was a crowd of people lined up in front of the entrance. Ham, Vini and I joined the crowd. Finally, It was time for us. I had some assumption before I went into the village. I thought there was just something to scare little kids but I changed my mind today.
First stuff I saw was regular ghosts. I felt nothing and even played with them. While they wanted to scare me behind me, I said hello to them in Chinese. I seemed like something spoiled on their face. They will never know that I was a ghost from Taiwan.
In the middle of the village, I saw one normal woman in a room. While she showed me her faked Siamese twins, I almost screamed out. Hold on a second. I laughed loudly while there was a man with a big chain saw attempted to separate the twins. It should be scary, but his sound and act was so cute.
After that, I went to an emergency room. Seeing scattered human part and spoiled gore on the ground, an uncomfortable feeling welled upon my heart. A nurse with a big syringe attempted to infect the virus. A doctor with an unusual calm face took one scalpel toward me. I face her for a few second without saying any thing. Her face was still calm as a cucumber but I thought y face was pretty pale them.
The next stage was funny. My history teacher disguised as a bloody chief used his big kitchen chopping on a table. I almost laughed because the words from his southern mouth were cute. “Put your finger on the table.’’ He said. I responded, ”What can I have today?” He said “Would you like to try some fresh heart?’’ and showed me a plate of strawberry jelly. I said normally ” I would have some. How much is that?”
Actually, That was our daily dialogue.
The happy time always passed soon. I bought one hot chocolate from the snack section, sat with my friends and enjoyed the cream floating the chocolate. It was an unforgettable memory. Followed with the sweat vapor from the hot chocolate, this strange night was end.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Home coming Week

Home coming Week
This week was the craziest week in October. Home coming week!
Every school day, we needed to disguise ourselves as a cop, a robber. And even a deer. Each day, everyone wore as special as they could. I also prepared a deer hat. It looked funny.
In the end of the week, Friday, we had a school spirit parade. We, sophomores also had our parade truck. We decorated the truck as a game, which was played with a ball. I also made many friends during the work. Morgan, a genius in our school worked with me. We bowed many balloons and put them on the truck. We also drew many pictures. After that, another classmates asked me to draw many bubbles and patterns on the post. These two classmates are Abby and Aaron. They are pretty nice and friendly.
After work, we needed to stick the post onto the truck. We used tape but finally we used hammer and nails to fasten it. Aaron was very curious about the hammer so she took it and tried to use hammer. I couldn’t imagine that American girl was really strong. ‘’Bang Bang’’ she almost killed my thumbs. We laughed with each other a lot.
Finally we went to get on a school bus to for parade. The bus will take us to the downtown. We got off at the front of the Prince Edward courthouse and waited for parade coming. That time, I met a new friend; David who had wore a hearing aid. Soon. We became good friends with each other.
The parade was really cool. At the start, we had marching band and big jeeps. In the middle, there was sport teams show off. Finally, our truck came. The truck was really interesting. There was a student in a bathtub washing his body. Morgan was a person who controlled a basket to catch a mouse. The parade lasted for half of an hour. I had a good time.
On Saturday, Jackie gave us an art class. We learn how to use simple lined, strokes creating nature rhythm. Unlike art class in Taiwan, she encouraged me to free my strokes. An hour later, I finished two good post cards.
This Saturday was also my first swimming meeting. One o’clock afternoon, we went to the French pool. There were bunch of swimmer. Ms. Paw helped me to know which event I joined. I had 100 yards breaststroke and 50 yards free style. I knew that was just a practicing meeting. To turning, and me who couldn’t even diving I could only do as best as I could. In the event, although I was not the first prize, I didn’t fall behind others too much. It was a good grade to me.
After swimming, the most expected activity in this month was coming. Home coming dance! After dinner, I went to my room and took out the formal suit that my father brought for me in Taiwan. It is elegant gray. I put on my suit carefully and tided my tie. In front of the mirror, I told to myself ‘’ it is my first night, I will not miss it.’’ I was on the way to school.
Arrived school early, Vine and I tool a walk around the gym where was dance. We were both nervous about the dance. To him, party has another bad meaning in Brazil. To me, a hick from Taiwan, which is a conservative country, dance, was not my experience. I was in panic. I didn’t know how to dance and socialize.
Finally, the dance started. Every couple danced with each other closely. I just walked around and said Hello to my acquaintance. I didn’t know how to get rid of this kind of embarrassment.
I tried to find a person who didn’t have partner but I couldn’t find out. I met my friend Blue who had the partner. He asked me whether I had a partner or not. I said that I didn't have one. He said that was a shame. Her partner Aaron said that she would dance with me later. I was appreciated that I could have a dancing partner. During the waiting time, I talked to Morgan who didn’t want to have a partner. We talked many subjects and field. From American literature and American country song to the technology of hydrogen, we realized that we both like reading and thinking.
After talking, I went to the snack station for some snack. Suddenly, I saw that Aaron had no partner so I went to ask her for dance. I couldn’t believe that I had that such great confident to ask a girl for dance but I did. The first dance was just unbelievable. Actually I didn’t know how to dance so I just followed by my partner’s step. Soon, I removed my shyness and started talk with her. She is an Irish emigrant who moved to Virginia from Florida. I imitated other people’s style. I put pair of my hand around her waist. I had almost no experience to touch other people’s body, especially girl. It seemed like I place my hand around her waist. In fact, I maintained my hand in the air to keep from touching. Suddenly, She did one thing that I couldn’t forget. She put her hand on my hand and pressed my hand on her waist without any word. I looked at her and got a safe expression. I knew my face turning red but I was happy and safe. It was my first dance. I couldn’t hear the loud music but her pulsation. It was touching.
In the middle of night, Ham’s host parents picked me up. My brother and I were invited to their home this weekend. In Ham’s father’s car, there were 7 people filled of a 4-seats car. We were all happy and talked with each other.
On the bed, I couldn’t fell asleep. I was excited. I did one thing that I never did in Taiwan. It was just wonderful.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Home coming dance

Homecoming Dance
I had a homecoming dance last Saturday. It is my first dance party in my life. Here are pictures. I will post my article this weekend.

All exchange student in the dance
(holland China Thailand Brazil
Taiwan Japan)
Aaron, my classmate, I danced with her four times. She is my first girl dance with. Although I felt a little bit nervous, I still asked her for dance. she is warm-heartness. She often took care of me. Just like sister
Morgan is a hard-working student in my school.
I talked with her in many subjects.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New brother

3rd Sep. 2007

It was a very good day that I already met my brother Vini. We took him this morning at Lynchburg Regional airport. You know these days Jackie and I were very worried about Vini. I thought I could ease my mind now because Vini seen pretty fine and I thought that we would have very happy days in the future. By the way, I thought dealing with another countries exchange student was another challenge but very good chance. Maybe I can learn some Portuguese from him. It sounds very good. And personally, I thought he was pretty cute and very different from Taiwanese student. We are too old.

I knew when exchange student arrives their host family, they will be hungry and tired, So I prepared some Peanut butter toast, one can of Spirit soda and one banana. And I am glad that Vini like that. Be friendly to other people was way to win friendship and confidence. I thought I did it at the first moment.

After a long free high way, we finally get our warm home. I help Vini to set has luggage well and Jackie said the same thing to Vini. ‘’There was Antique everywhere, so put down your school bag.’’ I thought she cherish her Antique. Vini send me slippers and a key ring as gift. I give him my name card and a national flag badge as feedback. I love the Key ring he sent me because there was Brazil national flag on it and it shaped like Brazil.

After a short rest time, we went to community center to eat Potluck the big dinner. There are so many people there and they bring many dishes of delicious food. I remember that in Taiwan my grandmother will bring her dishes to the community party. Jackie took as to the Kroger supermarket and bought some good ice cream. I ate some carrot, ham, mashed potato, tomato slice and pasta. They are all very well. While we are having good meal, two women and one man talked to us. Jackie introduces us to them, and they are all very happy to meet us. I thought they are my friends now. I met Jackie’s neighbor who will pick up us while Jackie was not at home.
I thought it was important to meet her.

Then I took many kinds of desert. I took chocolate cake, Cream pie with Strawberry jelly, chips and some ice cream. They are delicious too. I love it.
This was my third meal in the US. I thought I would have more good meal in the future.
American food was so good, no wonder American are almost fat.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

चोकोलतe चिप Cookies

今天一整天,我都待在家裡,有很多問候的電話,轟媽的兒子還有鄰居都來看她,在她好起來之前,我只得做功課、畫圖、打掃家裡,我希望她趕快好起來,因為老人如果生病,拖了很長的時間,病會一直惡化,我想至幾天我應該主動和弟一起把整個家裡的家事扛起來。如果在台灣我的父母生病了,我也會這樣做, 何況是在美國。
今天晚上實在沒甚麼胃口,翻了翻廚房的櫥櫃,我發現了坐Chocolate chip cookies的巧克力粒,與事我和轟弟照著包裝上附的食譜,找齊了材料,坐起了餅乾。對我來說自己做菜其實很簡單,尤其是這種只要把全部材料混在一起的食譜,但是面對櫥櫃裡一排排的英文標示,我實在很擔心自己會把鹽當成麵粉,灑了壹大把。還好我的轟弟知道所有食譜上的材料,
但是我又遇到了另外一個問題,我的英文實在沒有好到可以溝通無阻,有的時候我們只能用body language溝通,經過一陣手忙腳亂之後,我們終於照這食譜上說的把餅乾送入預熱的烤箱, 但是過了五分鐘後,我聞到了我不想聞到的味道-燒焦味,原來我們的餅乾有一部分不是用烤盤裝,所以受熱不均勻,烤焦了。幸好只有三成的餅乾不是用烤盤裝的。

Thursday, September 27, 2007


22 Sep. 2007
在準備沙拉的同時,貼心的轟媽已經燒好了一大鍋沸水,我快速的將餃子一批批倒入,等它再次沸騰,在點水,點水三次之後,魚肚白的餃子個個浮在水上,雖然有一些餃子開口笑,但是對於第一次自己做餃皮的我來說,成績已經有八十幾分(一百顆大摡破了十五六顆) ,我拿起一個試吃,今天晚上的中秋晚宴應該很完美。
雖然我準備了十五人份的水餃還有糖醋排骨,但是我的外國親戚朋友們真的很捧場,一下子盤中的食物已經被清得一乾二淨,Ms.Elfredy對我的小黃瓜讚不絕口,還說小黃瓜的排盤時在華麗的另她不忍摧毀。令我很訝異的,大家都對使用筷子很有天分,不一會兒的功夫,各個拿起筷子有模有樣的即起盤中的小蘿蔔粒。飯後,我端出了台灣的鳳梨酥、美國買的Fortune Cookie,泡了一壺烏龍茶,精緻的擺在小盤上,大家都對台灣的精緻文化感到好奇,隨後我講了許多中秋節的故事,雖然我的英文實在很破,還得帶著電子辭典當小抄,但是看到大家都對故事裡嫦娥、玉兔、還有吳剛著迷,我的巴西轟弟還很熱情的說當月圓的時候,它他一定要好好的看看嫦娥的美貌。

25th Sep. 2007
正當兩位姑娘跟外國的電爐搏命時,我則拿出從台灣帶來的茶壺和烏龍茶,泡起茶招待著客廳等待的客人,不知道是不是台灣的茶太香了,很快的我就倒完了第一壺茶,也跟很多人攀談了起來,有Kitty的轟爸 、爺爺,還有當地Longwood university的行政主任,大家都很喜歡中國的茶,我也介紹了許多台灣的文化,當我收拾茶具時,錢包裡也多了好幾張名片。

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


國小期待機上生活的心情,現在好像被睡眠的渴望取代了,飛機餐也不再是一種娛樂,或許飛機也只是人類運輸系統中普通的一環,今後,搭機的時數也不再是興奮的指數了,Air way is only a way. 但是我仍是想飛的,


國小期待機上生活的心情,現在好像被睡眠的渴望取代了,飛機餐也不再是一種娛樂,或許飛機也只是人類運輸系統中普通的一環,今後,搭機的時數也不再是興奮的指數了,Air way is only a way.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A letter from a waiting student in Taiwan

Dear AYUSA San Francisco Office and teachers:
Time passed fast. There is about two weeks after Jun. 28th the day I should leave. I know you the teachers are also very busy and hard working on the program. Thank you.
I still remember that my family from the oldest grandmother to the youngest baby was very expectant for my program three weeks ago. They also prepared many things for me warmly. My father brought me to the suit shop for making the formal suit. We tried many suiting materials and my father insisted to buy the good one, so he paid about 250 U.S.D for the suit. It is very expensive to me. I don’t know the suit can cost that much money. For my present to the host family and classmates in the states, my mother, even grandmother and I make 150 decorations hardly in a week. From string beads, waving and design the card and good words on it, we spent many time and paid efforts. In my luggage, you can find tea, moon cake, teapot, Chinese fan, Chinese writing brush and many kinds of Chinese gift. Mom also helped me to take some informational sheets about Taiwanese culture from Taiwan Tourism Bureau. I also take some introduction about my junior high school from my teacher. They are happy to provide it. I have two luggages. Totally, present occupies two third in one of my luggage.
Nowadays, when I am going to sleep, I hope that I can find I am in the plane to the states when I wake up. Nora the Taipei AYUSA teacher promised me that I can go there before Aug 31st. Every official letter from agency also showed that the program will never be canceled. I had missed the Pre-AYUSA. Don’t let me disappoint again.
I prayer our Bodhisattva that will help every thing goes well. As a little student, don’t have enough power and authority to do something, but I hope you can realize my feelings.
For you, two weeks is only enough for solving some cases. For me, two weeks is as long as two years.
After all, I am very appreciated you and your efforts anyway. Prayer

Sincere Yours

Yen Hwa
The07-08AYUSA exchange student(Taiwan)


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