Saturday, December 1, 2007

The English Field Trip-Edgar Allen Poe Musum

Today was a special wonderful day. I had a field trip to Edgar Allen Poe Museum in Richmond in the whole school day.
This morning was very cold. The weather reporter of the local radio station said the temperature was around 30 F. It was especially cold for me who was wearing only Poe shirt with wool underwear and a coat outside for today’s trip. It was freezing.
On the way to Richmond, I sat next to John. We talked about the sport, I-pod, and the different life between US and Taiwan. I did as best as I could to keep the conversation going. I used the skill that Jackie and Vini taught me yesterday. Don’t ask a question whose answer is yes or no. Try to ask some questions with longer answer.
Reaching to the Poe museum, I saw the urban views of Richmond, the capital of Virginia. It was a great city with the urban side-sky scrapers, viaducts and many parking lots. Everything was fresh and exciting for me. Finally, we stopped in front of the Saint John’s church. We went into the church’s cemetery for finding Poe’s mother, Arnold’s gravestone. The foreign cemetery was not scary at all because of beautiful gardening and interesting gravestone design. Many people made their gravestone like a table or a bench. It is good that we could still benefit other people after passing away. People also can visit it without scariness and sadness. The only thing left is good memory and happiness with these died people.
We went to Poe’s museum as the main point of the trip. Poe’s museum was a place, which had a small but great and beautiful garden inside the several buildings of Poe’s historic relics. We looked-through the whole museum with our director whose name was Chris.
During the trip, I saw one big model, which resented the view of Richmond in Poe’s era. It sounded like somebody built it for about 100 years. The old Richmond had a city hall which was made by Thomas Jefferson was pretty impressed for me because of its Greek style. The model was pretty similar than the downtown Richmond now. City also preserved many old building but Poe’s house unfortunately.
I also saw Poe’s other 19th century furniture. Poe was not a tall man compared with people now but taller than the people in his era. He was about 5 feet tall. I am 6 feet tall. Poe’s death, which was a mystery, was also presented in the Poe museum clearly.
After visiting the Poe museum, we took a school bus to the grocery store Ukrup’s that was not just a normal grocery store. They served much hot food like pizza, sandwiches, fried chicken and other kinds of cuisines. I pent about 8.5 dollar for buying a big slice of Broccoli pizza and a box of veggie sandwich. Their pizza was really big and filled with broccoli, mushroom and cheese. It tasted better than pizza hut’s vegetarian pizza. The sandwiches was pretty expensive but worthy. Two big whole grain breads with tomato, mushroom, pepper, cheese, lettuce and other kinds of leafy vegetables was served with cured pickle. I had a really healthy menu for lunch and these were all vegetarian food.
Beside that, I tried not to sit with exchange students that I already met and tried to sit with American student. They were pretty friendly and generous to share their food with me in order to make me more realize about their food. A girl whose name is Nichole gave couple jelly worm. It looked like a crystal worm but tasted like soft candy. My good friend Blue share a roll bread with me to let me know what was the roll bread. Although I already knew it, I still appreciated about that.
On the way back to school, I sat with my friends and talked with them. They played some funny stuff and told some jokes. I tried to understand what they talked about and made some joke with myself. That was pretty funny.
In the evening, the sun is always the most beautiful in a day. The good memory with my friend in field trip will follow me until dream.

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