Saturday, December 22, 2007

History Trip to Monticello

This morning was not that cold. Ham, Joko, Vini and I took bus together to school. Today we had another field trip. We will go to Thomas Jefferson’s house-Monticello.
Going into the bus, Mr. Custis was counting students. He is the bus driver today.
Monticello is Thomas Jefferson’s (The 3rd president of the US) plantation for retirement. It is a two-floor building with great a farm, which provided Jefferson’s family daily veggies.
Arriving to the tourist’s center of Monticello, The view was full of fall maple leaves. The bus finally stopped at the tourist’s center. We took another shuttle bus to the top of the hill.
With us, there was an old man with nice suit talked about the history of Monticello. Thomas Jefferson designed this building with well natural lighting and well isolated. He used many glass windows to make the indoor space bright and comfy. Also, he had a great big book room with his bed. He had many scientific instruments around his room. Model of solar system seemed rotating regularly in these 200 years. Laying down the desk, there is a bookstand, which can carry five books in the same time. Behind the desk, there is a wall with three big pieces of glasses provide enough lighting for reading and working. Except president and other political career, Jefferson was also a scientist and inventor. He invented a little machine which can help him sealing the letter automatically. He is a smart guy.
Also, we saw the dining room. Jefferson was a vegetarian. His favorite food is pea. In his dining room, I saw many fancy silver wears and food of 18 century.
Outside of the Monticello, its garden is also very neat. On the hill, you can see the University of Virginia easily. Jefferson design this for watching his own university conveniently. The tour guide also bought us to his wareroom for wine and beer. We also visited Jefferson’s smoking house which let me feel scared. In Jefferson’s era, they cure the meat or used hickory wood and pine wood to smoke the meat for storing instead of refregirator.
After Jefferson’s house, we went to his plant farm and his graveyard. Many of us threw some penny or dime on his gravestone for showing our reguards. Thomas Jefferson is my favorite figure in American history. He is a little bit similar than I am. He pursued perfect in any field as I do. I think we will become good friends if he is still alive. Thomas Jefferson is an important person to the United states. He carried multi-duty on his shoulder when he was in the political seat. He was the Ambassador to French and on of member signed the Declaration of Independence. He was also Washinton’s secretary of state. In Chinese, we had a proverb called ‘’ The stronger man has heavier duty (能者多勞)’’. He is a good example. I should learn some spirit and attitude from him for being a man who has great deed.

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