Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Art Field Trip to Virginia Museum of Final Art, Richmond

Today is a cold day. In the morning, I woke up and had breakfast as well and then I went outside for feeding dogs. Gosh! The temperature was about 25 Fahrenheit. It is 4 degree centigrade below zero. Today we might have snow.
When I arrived school, I went to my first period class. My math teacher came and asked us go outside of the house so we went outside and didn’t know why. Until there was a white point pas through my face, I realized that was snow. Snow, I looked forward. At start, there is not much snow fell. But after ten minutes, the snow came with strong wind and fell on everyone’s face. It was snowing, the real one. Our school bus left our school following snow.
That was one hour and half to Richmond. On the bus, I sat with my friends Charles and Blue. We talked many things about the cars and motor. Charles has a big red GMC truck. He drives to school by himself everyday. Also, I made many new friends. The bus ran on the super high way loudly. One hour and a quarter later, we arrived the Richmond. It was different than last week. Our bus came through the urban living block. The city has many old houses with different color. Except cars, Richmond is a beautiful city.
When we arrived the art museum, the snow stopped. The weather was still cold. Finally, we could enter the museum. I saw a giant elevator that the area was about 8 square meters.
This museum has many southern style artworks. The artwork impressed me the most was a hunter sculpture. I dislike hunting activity but this sculpture is really neat. It consisted by a hunter rides on horse with several hunting dogs. The sculpture is very lifelike and vivid.
The second thing I liked the most was an oil painting called’’ the alive creature and oysters”. It was just a realistic painting. Although the oysters and died pigeon was quite scary. I appreciated about the skill of drawing the real life. I hoped I could do that.
At the end of the museum trip, we went to a great dome to see some Rome art. I didn’t like it because there were all religious stuffs. I was confused about a woman statute, which held its own head in its bosom. I also saw a decorated Christmas in the center of the dome. That was a really big Christmas tree. I took a picture.
The art museum was good but I was hungry at the middle day. We went to a bakery for lunch. It was a bakery provided a good place for people having a lunch. My art teacher taught me to order a meal. I ordered a potato soup with bread bowl and a half sandwich. It cost me 7 dollars but the size was really big. I only had time to have my thick soup and an apple. That was really good meal. I packed the sandwich. After lunch, we took a school bus back to school. It was a really good experience to see the American museum and art works. I also saw the snow today. Today was a super lucky day.

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