Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Our Super Christmas tree

Christmas tree is always the most expected part of the whole Christmas. Of course our Christmas tree will not absence in this Christmas.
Today morning at 6 o’clock, Vini and I got up early and quickly had breakfast. After all, we took shovel and forks, and then push the wheelbarrow on our way. We were going to get our Christmas tree.
5 minutes later, we arrived the end of our home’s drive way. While Vini was pushing the wheelbarrow passing through the grass and rocks, I checked the little pine tree we chose last week. The tree looked very good for Christmas tree. We start our working. First of all, we used fork losing the soil around the tree. The soil was pretty soft because the ice in the soil melted by the sunshine. The second step was to cut the roots of the tree. We needed to make sure the tree still had enough roots to absorb nutrition and water. Actually, the roots were too hard to cut off so we used big scissor to cut them. After a while, the tree was isolated with the ground. Vini and I took pictures with the tree. The tree was a little bit taller than me. By the way, while we were taking pictures, the tree was actually not hold by us because it was too spiky to handle. We just laid the tree on the wheelbarrow and hold the back of the tree. I still looked very nice and handsome.
We moved the tree and planted the tree at the place outside of the dining room so we could see the tree while we were eating. Also, I tided the tree with ropes to make sure it would not be blown out by the wind.
After noon, Jackie, Vini and I started decorating our Christmas tree. Our Christmas tree was different than the normal one. It was the tree for wild life such as birds and deer so we decorated the tree by stringing cranberry, popcorn, golden raisins and current by several sawing string. And then we covered the pine corn we collected from the driveway by the peanut butter and bird food. After all, we hanged them on the tree and also put the lights and a big star on the tree. It looked beautiful and delicious.
Although we designed the tree for wild bird and deer, the first custom was our dogs: Joonburg and Red Potler. At first, we didn’t realize why Red stay under the tree, but after seeing a pine corn in his mouth, we knew this Christmas was also for our “wild life”-the dogs.
The night we usually spent couple hours with Jackie chatting and laughing. Following the melody of Jazz music from the radio station, we relaxed between the warm atmosphere and our brightly beautiful Christmas tree with wild life and our dummy dog.

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