Sunday, December 9, 2007

The History Project

The History Project
This weekend was a busy weekend. We built our garden and went to the youth group church. The rest of the time, I used to do my history project. We needed to build a model which showed the whole view of one of the battle in the American civil war.
I chose the battle of Hampton Roads (also called the battle of ironclads). It was a naval battle occurred in Virginia. In the Union’s Anaconda plan to crush the rebel, the third goal was to blockade the south. The southern confederate states tried to break the blockade so they built an iron-plated ship the CSS Virginia to attack the Union’s frigates. The Union also built a little iron ship the USS Monitor against the south. The result of the battle was Union’s victory.
In order to build a model without wasting the resource, I used some Styrofoam and cardboards. I spent the whole afternoon to shape the ship and assemble together. After that, I put some bubble wrapper as the ocean and some tooth picks covered by tape as cannons. It looked pretty good and neat.
Also, we needed to make a presentation in front of everybody in English in the
history class. I was quiet nervous about that. I searched the internet for some information and printed them out.
At the start of my presentation, I was too nervous to read the paper bur I got better after that. This was a good experience.
After me is my Brazilian brother Vini. His project is the model of the battle of the new market. He made some paper solider and some cardboard valley. He had better English than I did so he talked a lot.
We both did a good job. We should have it in Taiwan.

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