Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Final Art Paper

The Final Art Paper
Yen Hwa
The art works from beginner usually has no formal skill or official way to read but full of original creative ideas and new skills. I am not an art beginner actually but my last artwork before now is 3 years ago. This semester in Ms. Dodson’s art class, we learn how use official way to create art and analyze art but also preserve our own creation. I did around 40 artworks this semester. They are watercolor painting, Acrylic painting, pencil sketch and sculptures. The following their artworks present my skill and the opinion of art the most.

The sun, plum flower and our Republic of China (Taiwan)
Block Print, Oct 2007

This artwork was printed from a rubber board. I used curved and straight line to create the suns and the plum flower. The way I placed them was followed the alternating position to create the comfortable formal balance. Also I used blue and red to create strong complementary among suns, plum flowers and the white background. Also the geometric circle and square create the variety of space with the organic shape of the plum flower. The flowing rhythm, regular rhythm of suns makes it looked righteous. The flowing rhythm, random rhythm and the progressive rhythm of plum flowers make is looked fresh and beautiful. This picture has no especial emphasis. In other word, the whole picture is focal point because it is consisted by many alternating patterns.
In order to make my block print has two different colors, I applied a kind of skill. I did separate the whole printing process into two parts. First, I color blue (the darker color) on the center sun of my rubber printing board. After 20 minutes. I color red (the lighter color) on the background and print. This way is better than way of coloring all the board in the same time. You can get clearer and cleaner pictures.
The name of this artwork is “ The sun, plum flower and our Republic of China (Taiwan)”.
I did this because of the love and passion of my hometown, my country and the land nurtures me.
This kind of topic I called it the patriotic advertisement of 1950-1970 era of Taiwan. The plum flower is my national flower. Because the plum flower only blossoms in the extremely cold winter, it present my country will overcome every struggle and exist. The sun has twelve beams. It means our nation will exist eternally. The blue present our democracy and liberty.
Collect millions of books in one (my electronic dictionary)
Acrylic painting Nov. 2007

This is an acrylic painting. I used many book motifs to create a feeling of mass. Also, the position of the electronic dictionary shows it is the emphasis of whole the picture. This picture has informal balance. I used dark red, dark green and dark blue to compare with the color of the electronic dictionary for creating the formal balance based on color. The size of the books from big to small creates the progressing rhythm. The rhythm of the Chinese words is flowing rhythm. And on the left side of the painting is the Chinese stamp, which has Regular Square and organic lines. The color of painting is not many but also create the emphasis.
This is the artwork of Chinese Classic style but painting with western brush and acrylic color. I also used some black color to write some Chinese words. The whole meaning of the sentence is ‘’ Collect million of books in one (my electronic dictionary). There are my name and the dummy stamp on the right side corner. Chinese handwriting is an important part of Chinese traditional art. Our word is kind of visual word system, which is based on visual understanding. English words are formed by sound alphabet, which is meaningless. Additionally, I left much space for my Chinese words because our painting has strong informal balance between the words and the main object. This is a Chinese style painting.
I draw this painting for honoring my electronic dictionary, which accomplished with me during the whole progress of being an exchange student. Since I prepared for the test an interview of being an exchange student, this electronic dictionary helped me to read hundreds page of English articles. Also, when I have some problem of spelling word, it provides me a convenient way to get my answer.
I still remember the struggle of buying it. I studied hard, did many projects and worked for my dad in order to save money for it. It is my good friend.

The city, The Traffic Jam and The Tree
Pencil sketch Dec. 2007

This picture is a simple pencil sketch. I used organic and curve line to sketch the outline of the tree for creating the random rhythm. The car is outlined by geometric curves and construction. I used many straight parallels to create the regular rhythm on my cold and organized buildings and streets. The position of the tree shows the tree is the emphasis. The complex value and shape of the tree also make itself the focal point of the picture. The proportion of the cars shows the cars go further. It also creates some progressive rhythm. The position of the tree (left hand side) shows its informal balance.
Sometimes, Drawing is not only record something real but also present the abstract feeling. It can be an abstract painting or just combine many different objects. In this pencil sketch, I sketched whole the tree out side of the classroom especially in this cold winter. The cold temperature helped me to concentrate on sketching and realize how the trees stand in the cold winter. It is worthy to stand outside for sketching the tree. I am not good at drawing a tree because there are many leaves. This time I sketched the tree according to the skill of Thia’s pencil sketches of Illinois
I got a pretty good result.
The reason made I did this sketch is to show the conflict between economic development and our nature. When we build one house, we need to do some deforestation for building space and the material. Cutting a tree uses about 5 to 10 minutes but growing a tree uses about 10 to 20 years. Now, after you finish your reading of art paper, there is a soccer field big forest being destroyed. How can we stand and continue destroying our only world?
<The end>

After all, I need to show my best appreciation to my art teacher
Mrs. Whitaker Dodson. Thank her for lighting my passion of art. Thank her bring me fire and flame in these autumn and winter. -Hwa Yen Dec. 2007

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