Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New year

3…2…1…Happy New Year! While the moment a big crystal ball touched the ground of the New York City, The New Year 2008 finally came. My friends and I shacked hand and Screamed with each other for this New Year. The atmosphere was full of happiness and wishes to the New Year.
This is my New Year party in America. My church here invited me to join the New Year Party. Since eight o’clock yesterday night, we gathered together for this moment. Like Potluck, everyone brought food and share with other people. We had many kinds of chips, dipping sauce, party salad bar, Twister (a kind of small cake with cream in it), cookies and drinks. Somebody also brought some games and cards. We played a game called “Apple-Apple”(you have to range the words in the red card and the words in the green card to make it making sense.). In the start of the party, I just watched football game on TV with my buddies. Later I met a Bryan who is from Texas and talked for a while. In the last 2 minutes of the year, my friend Wilson invited me to sit in front of the TV and counted down the rest of seconds. That was a interesting night.
Except fun and joy, the coming new year also means the new adventure of learning and cultivating. I appreciated I can study here for one year. With experience and confidence, I optimistically predict I will have a big growing and changing. In the new semester, I chose Theatre, Communication, Agricultural Science and Creative Writing as my new classes. I hoped I could get some fun and improve my English oral ability more. Also, I have a big plan of AYUSA book donations. We needed to collect some books for the kids in the countryside in Taiwan. I already had a good relationship with local church, school, community center and friends. I positively think that I can get some good books.
Reviewing the last year 2007, I am happy and proud of myself. In the second semester of the 9th grade(around Feb to June), I worked very hard and got many prizes. Especially, I got the 2nd prize of the science competition which make me feel ” Mission Completed” because I promise my friends in elementary school to join the competition. Also, I did much teamwork. With Josh, I did the thesis on Native American in the Latin America. That is a 10000 words- work. The most gratified thing is the exchange student program for sure. I could prepare the big test and interview by myself. Finally, Got the chance and the scholarship. 2007 is the head of “Era of good feelings” to me.
I am gratitude for the chances I had in the past and the coming chances in the future. Of course, there are always many respected people support me to do many creating and learning. I wish myself as a big tree growing and also preserving the experience and blessings in the growth ring for the coming challenges.

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