Monday, January 28, 2008

The Outer Bank beach

That was a midnight while I arrived the beach of North Carolina. The tiredness overcame me, through I still help camp staff to unload the car. My eyes dimmed with sleep and my brain covered with impatient. After I carried everything, put them in my room and settle down myself, I realized this is my first time being to the Atlantic Ocean. I, a wild child from my wild island can hardly wait to see the ocean again. I walked outward the door, climbed on the deck of the house. Suddenly, the wind of the Atlantic blew toward me with roar and salt. At midnight, the waves of the ocean were still clear with bright moonlight. 100 yards away from the coast, the waves came slowly but bumped into the sand and made loud eco. Amazing grace!
Actually, I forgot how cold the coast was. Especially in the winter, walked with the wind is very crazy. So? I am a crazy young boy!
Tiredness calmed me down and let me fell asleep with the melody of waves.
The morning of the next morning, I got up before the sun, changed clothes and remembered to put my heavy coat. I couldn’t wait until I saw the dawn of the morning. I walked toward the balcony, open the French window. The wind of the morning gave me a big hug and a big kiss on my forehead. Frozen my tear on eyebrows and shucked my hair like a durian. A great eastern coast style “Buenos Dias”(Spanish good morning). Good enough! I better went into the house.
A few moments later, seagulls came to our balcony. They hovered around 10 feet above my head. The first seagull passed through the roof rapidly but the others flew through the roof relaxed. I could see their beak, tiny eyes, white belly and black tail. Soon, another cool wind hit the bird to other direction. They flew before my eyes and left a M-shaped shadow disappearing in the edge the sea. Standing on the balcony, I watch the seagulls until it was out of sight with happiness. My mom said there is a Native American tradition. If you look a hawk in the position above them and can able to see its back leather, it is a good omen for your health and fortune. Although I didn’t see the hawk, instead of that, a little fortune of a little seagull is good enough for one day.
All day long, the rain fell on the balcony, house and sand. The wave of the sea was still going on. After raining, several strangers dug on the coast and threw the san into the sea and yelled to the sea. An old couple walked on the beach with hand in hand. The man took out a branch from his pocket, draw a heart and wrote,” I love you.” on the soft sands. They took pictures with each other and together, then stepped out of my sight with the big heart left. I liked to watch people, so is the sea, but the sea is more tolerable than everybody.
The night came again. The moonlight spilled everywhere and the night like the day. The reflecting silver sand connected to the silver waves. The night was still cold and wet, but in my dream, there was a paradise called” Outer Bank”, the place with dolphins and pirates.

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