Monday, January 28, 2008

The Agriscience field trip to local tractor company

Farmville is a little town raised based on Farming industry. Farm is well known as the farming place and the “ Ville” is the meaning of Village in French. Every farmer around here usually bought the agricultural supply and equipment in the downtown. Also, the town itself is a crop distributional center. In the other word, we can say Farmville testify the growth of the farming society in the south side Virginia.
Since the 1944, there has been a tractor company in the downtown serving the farmer around here. Fortunately, we have chance to visit the company and learn more about the agriculture.
This afternoon, we went to the company. In this around 10 acres area, lay about 100 vehicles. Hunting jeeps, Motorcycles and tractors are all brand new and cool. The storekeeper led us pass through the motorcycles and 4-wheels jeep and motorcycles in the store. It is very popular in Virginia to play motorcycle called the “dirt bike”. Although I don’t like this kind of sport at all, those motorcycles are all very cool and fashion to me. Later, we went to the workshop in the company. There parked about 4 giant tractors on the jack. The diameter of the wheel is about 4 feet long. The atmosphere of workshop was full of gasoline odor so I couldn’t breath comfortably.
Although it wasn’t smell good but the workshop was really organized and safe. The storekeeper said that the safety of every employee is the top priority. It is really important. Usually, the basic workers are all college-graduated and well trained. It is not a cheap job in the US.
Also, the storekeeper showed us about the history of the agricultural machines. There were two most important people, one was John Deere who invented steel plow and the other one was Cyrus McCormick who invented reaper. Their inventions graduate developed to the tractor and combine today. Now, the USA doesn’t produce this kind of machine. The foreign corporations own most of companies and the Japan exports the most agricultural equipments. The world changes rapidly, day by day.
After the visiting, I receive a T-shirt as a souvenir. I really got many things in this trip. It let me know and experience more about how important and the agriculture and Agriscience is, even the today’s society.
In the end of the trip, we went to the Dairy Queen as a treat. Of course, the retails are the final result of the whole agricultural process. Eating is simply the answer. This afternoon, I enjoyed the happy day with sweatiness of the Dairy Queen’s Snicker Bizzurd

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