Saturday, January 5, 2008

The New Coming Challenge

As a Chinese proverb says “ The little one (it can be a chance or a new idea) turns all. (一元復始)”, My life in the USA get to go to the other stage. The second semester comes. Like every step I made thought my whole life, The coming 5 months will be the other important era or even a turning point. New year brings new hopes and new chances.
I take Intro Theater, communication, Agricultural science and Creative writing this semester. This is the most fun choice I can take.
Theater has been the place I like to be for a long time since I met a teacher in the elementary school who was a member of The Paper windmill theatrical troupe(紙風車). This class is very fun until now (two lessons, 3 hours exactly). The teacher taught us how to be a good player. We get to learn to free our soul from our body and set opinions. To combine with the role you performance, you need to make your tone, blocking and attitude. It is a quiet challenging class.
As my Dad says “ Communication is a class for the whole life.” communication is like the second function of our mouth besides eating. I chose the class because I thought communication was technique stuff. In the class, we need to learn how to give a speech, go to an interview and a little bit businesses social skills. We have to do 8 big projects. Some of them are really cool. For example, you need to invite a well-known person in the town to give the class a speech or you have to go to a real interview in a university or a company. I think I can learn many things about that.
The agriculture science unexpected is not a class you don’t have many homework and exam. In the other hand, you get to do some project by using the multi-researching resource. Like my first homework is to find how many farmer and farms in your county, Virginia and the whole country. I spent two hours on it but did nothing. After that, I did it with my American friend who gave me some clue on searching the Internet. That was tired but the most fun part. I hope I can pass it.
The final class is the creative writing. Although I am an engineering person, I still have a sentimental mind and willing to express myself. The purpose to the class is to light up the fire of English writing and find out the beauty of the English literature. Through the mass writing and vast reading, certainly My English will improve a lot.
I enjoy the writing class. That will be fun.
The new semester, I expect myself to be more confident to talk to people and make my English natural like my Chinese. Also, I want to make myself opener and happier in the personality. The rest of the time in the U.S. is pretty important in my academic life. I will cherish every seconds I have and record it by camera and writing.And, of course I will post it on the blog. Welcome to visit my blog. Thank you for your support.

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