Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Art Reception in Longwood Center of Visual Art

The Art Reception in Longwood Center of Visual Art
My host mom is a professional artist participates in many kinds of local art program and group. Fortunately, our local university, the Longwood University had established an art center for art exhibition or artist meeting. Every seasons, they have regular reception for the new coming art works. I am glad that I have the pleasure to participate this reception for mind and appetite (Actually I cannot wait!).
After swimming training, Vini and I walked to the Art center. On the way, the beauty of this charming little town came to my eyes. Farmville used to be a downtown for farmers shopping and gathering together. Since 1839, the Longwood College in Farmville has trained thousand of teachers for basic education and higher-level -occupational training personnel. Couple years ago, Longwood changed into the 4-year university with more resource and development. It has also brought the town lots of benefits on living quality and educational source. Obviously, the prize of the real estate has come up really quick. Lots of invest gives the town some public construction like the Art Center. It also makes the town classically elegant.
Although I was really hungry after swimming (the human mind is still operated by food), I was really excited and attracted by the art works. The topic of this season is the African Art From Permanent Collection. Though those little black native African masks were pretty cute but a little bit scary, I still loved the rural African wild atmosphere among that masterpiece.
But, actually the most thing catch my eyes was a assembled sculpture ” The Higgins’s Patent Headache Machine” by Richard C. McClintock. It is consist by several fancy gears in a church-like building. Beside the main machine, there is a little house ironically called “ the sitting house” and an old man with a ball head sitting under a big hammer, which is the end of the machine. When you rotate the handle of the base of the machine, it operates the whole machine and finally gives the man a big strike on his smooth head.
I like the idea and the constructional style and skills of the machine. It makes me laugh because I believe every busy people in this industrial and urbanized society is building his or her own patent headache machine. I hope I can stop build mine. Thank Mr. McClintock. He reminder me the fact that my machine is almost finished.
The gears were really fascinating for me. I took about 30 pictures and videos in every angles of the view of the machine and tried to figure out how it operates. My” special” behavior finally became a part of the artwork. People were interested about why this crazy boy stands around the sculpture for half hour with a camera.
Of course, the emphasis of the reception naturally felt on those delicious foods. On the big table, there were salad, fruit mixed, tacos, pastries, cheesecake, cocktails and chocolate-coated strawberry. Several servers shuttled gently among crowd with plates of beautiful pastries. I cough the moment and took the picture of this server with a big smile. I hanged around among people, artworks and food happily with the relaxed mood. Life is art, isn’t it?

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