Monday, February 18, 2008

My Strawberry!

My strawberry!
Since I have taken The Agriscience in the school, I’ve learned the knowledge about the progress of Agriscience and how to plant a plant. I couldn’t wait to cultivate my own plant. Fortunately, my host mom brought me to Lowe’s, a warehouse for every need of a house. I was expecting to plant strawberry because I through USA is a country where strawberry and cherry (which is very expensive in Taiwan) are cheap and easy to grow. Finally, I found out boxes of strawberry runners and picked up two kinds of strawberry: Tristar and Surecrop.
Replanting the strawberry from the box to regular pots wasn’t a difficult work but you need to handle it carefully. I carefully move my strawberry from the box, separate them and replanted into the pots though I caught cold and felt dizzy that day. Because each box has about 10 strawberry plants crowded in a small area, they didn’t seem to be healthy when I planted it. Physically, they pretty weak then. I separated them into 3 boxes watered them and put in my host mom’s garden room. Supposedly, I could have my first harvest during May.
Everyday, I came back from school and walked into the garden room checking my baby strawberries. Since the first day I check them, they grew awfully fast. Couple days later, they seemed to adjust the new environment completely. A week later, some of them seem to be 3 or 4 inches tall. Now, I have to put them under sun in the most time of the day to prevent they to be too leggy. My host mom taught me how to water them as they need. Too much or too little are not good for them. She took my hand and put on one of her plant. I felt the top soil is really dry and definedly need some water so we water them. To water the strawberry, I need to use the same logic too.
My said she will teach me how to strawberry short cake when I harvest. Normally, strawberry is for eating freshly. Some of friends like to eat strawberry with yogurt and cream or eat with cake. I purely just want to top the strawberry on my daily cereal bowl.
Strawberry is a romantic plants. As my host mom said “ it has the most beautiful flower among the fruit plants.” It is also excited to me cultivate and take care of a plants with love and expect. Day by day, the strawberry grows taller and taller. When will I have Ruby-strawberry?

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