Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Haunted Village

Haunted Village
It was a fascinating experience that I didn’t have in Taiwan at all.
Yesterday, my teacher in English class mentioned that tonight our school would hold one ’’ Haunted Village’’. I assumed that was Hunting village because of sound. My classmate corrected me and told me if I bought one Edgar Allen Poe (An American writer who was famous by his scary fictions in 19th century) souvenir T-shirt, I could enter the village for free. To day, Ham and I went to Ms. Womack’s classroom for ordering one. That was a pretty nice shirt. I liked Poe’s moustache.

Tonight after dinner, Jackie took us to the school gym. There was a crowd of people lined up in front of the entrance. Ham, Vini and I joined the crowd. Finally, It was time for us. I had some assumption before I went into the village. I thought there was just something to scare little kids but I changed my mind today.
First stuff I saw was regular ghosts. I felt nothing and even played with them. While they wanted to scare me behind me, I said hello to them in Chinese. I seemed like something spoiled on their face. They will never know that I was a ghost from Taiwan.
In the middle of the village, I saw one normal woman in a room. While she showed me her faked Siamese twins, I almost screamed out. Hold on a second. I laughed loudly while there was a man with a big chain saw attempted to separate the twins. It should be scary, but his sound and act was so cute.
After that, I went to an emergency room. Seeing scattered human part and spoiled gore on the ground, an uncomfortable feeling welled upon my heart. A nurse with a big syringe attempted to infect the virus. A doctor with an unusual calm face took one scalpel toward me. I face her for a few second without saying any thing. Her face was still calm as a cucumber but I thought y face was pretty pale them.
The next stage was funny. My history teacher disguised as a bloody chief used his big kitchen chopping on a table. I almost laughed because the words from his southern mouth were cute. “Put your finger on the table.’’ He said. I responded, ”What can I have today?” He said “Would you like to try some fresh heart?’’ and showed me a plate of strawberry jelly. I said normally ” I would have some. How much is that?”
Actually, That was our daily dialogue.
The happy time always passed soon. I bought one hot chocolate from the snack section, sat with my friends and enjoyed the cream floating the chocolate. It was an unforgettable memory. Followed with the sweat vapor from the hot chocolate, this strange night was end.

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Anonymous said...