Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New brother

3rd Sep. 2007

It was a very good day that I already met my brother Vini. We took him this morning at Lynchburg Regional airport. You know these days Jackie and I were very worried about Vini. I thought I could ease my mind now because Vini seen pretty fine and I thought that we would have very happy days in the future. By the way, I thought dealing with another countries exchange student was another challenge but very good chance. Maybe I can learn some Portuguese from him. It sounds very good. And personally, I thought he was pretty cute and very different from Taiwanese student. We are too old.

I knew when exchange student arrives their host family, they will be hungry and tired, So I prepared some Peanut butter toast, one can of Spirit soda and one banana. And I am glad that Vini like that. Be friendly to other people was way to win friendship and confidence. I thought I did it at the first moment.

After a long free high way, we finally get our warm home. I help Vini to set has luggage well and Jackie said the same thing to Vini. ‘’There was Antique everywhere, so put down your school bag.’’ I thought she cherish her Antique. Vini send me slippers and a key ring as gift. I give him my name card and a national flag badge as feedback. I love the Key ring he sent me because there was Brazil national flag on it and it shaped like Brazil.

After a short rest time, we went to community center to eat Potluck the big dinner. There are so many people there and they bring many dishes of delicious food. I remember that in Taiwan my grandmother will bring her dishes to the community party. Jackie took as to the Kroger supermarket and bought some good ice cream. I ate some carrot, ham, mashed potato, tomato slice and pasta. They are all very well. While we are having good meal, two women and one man talked to us. Jackie introduces us to them, and they are all very happy to meet us. I thought they are my friends now. I met Jackie’s neighbor who will pick up us while Jackie was not at home.
I thought it was important to meet her.

Then I took many kinds of desert. I took chocolate cake, Cream pie with Strawberry jelly, chips and some ice cream. They are delicious too. I love it.
This was my third meal in the US. I thought I would have more good meal in the future.
American food was so good, no wonder American are almost fat.

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