Monday, October 22, 2007

Home coming dance

Homecoming Dance
I had a homecoming dance last Saturday. It is my first dance party in my life. Here are pictures. I will post my article this weekend.

All exchange student in the dance
(holland China Thailand Brazil
Taiwan Japan)
Aaron, my classmate, I danced with her four times. She is my first girl dance with. Although I felt a little bit nervous, I still asked her for dance. she is warm-heartness. She often took care of me. Just like sister
Morgan is a hard-working student in my school.
I talked with her in many subjects.


Anonymous said...

Wow!Handsome boy!太帥了~真羨慕你可以有這種與國外朋友接觸的機會,你穿起了西裝,感覺起來就是要去做一番豐功偉業,舉足輕重的大老闆,哈哈!簡直就是一個大人了,那個妳的女同學跟我們同齡?感覺好成熟喔!台灣的女生都感覺還長不大~^ˇ^

Anonymous said...

Good words.