Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Haunted Village

Haunted Village
It was a fascinating experience that I didn’t have in Taiwan at all.
Yesterday, my teacher in English class mentioned that tonight our school would hold one ’’ Haunted Village’’. I assumed that was Hunting village because of sound. My classmate corrected me and told me if I bought one Edgar Allen Poe (An American writer who was famous by his scary fictions in 19th century) souvenir T-shirt, I could enter the village for free. To day, Ham and I went to Ms. Womack’s classroom for ordering one. That was a pretty nice shirt. I liked Poe’s moustache.

Tonight after dinner, Jackie took us to the school gym. There was a crowd of people lined up in front of the entrance. Ham, Vini and I joined the crowd. Finally, It was time for us. I had some assumption before I went into the village. I thought there was just something to scare little kids but I changed my mind today.
First stuff I saw was regular ghosts. I felt nothing and even played with them. While they wanted to scare me behind me, I said hello to them in Chinese. I seemed like something spoiled on their face. They will never know that I was a ghost from Taiwan.
In the middle of the village, I saw one normal woman in a room. While she showed me her faked Siamese twins, I almost screamed out. Hold on a second. I laughed loudly while there was a man with a big chain saw attempted to separate the twins. It should be scary, but his sound and act was so cute.
After that, I went to an emergency room. Seeing scattered human part and spoiled gore on the ground, an uncomfortable feeling welled upon my heart. A nurse with a big syringe attempted to infect the virus. A doctor with an unusual calm face took one scalpel toward me. I face her for a few second without saying any thing. Her face was still calm as a cucumber but I thought y face was pretty pale them.
The next stage was funny. My history teacher disguised as a bloody chief used his big kitchen chopping on a table. I almost laughed because the words from his southern mouth were cute. “Put your finger on the table.’’ He said. I responded, ”What can I have today?” He said “Would you like to try some fresh heart?’’ and showed me a plate of strawberry jelly. I said normally ” I would have some. How much is that?”
Actually, That was our daily dialogue.
The happy time always passed soon. I bought one hot chocolate from the snack section, sat with my friends and enjoyed the cream floating the chocolate. It was an unforgettable memory. Followed with the sweat vapor from the hot chocolate, this strange night was end.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Home coming Week

Home coming Week
This week was the craziest week in October. Home coming week!
Every school day, we needed to disguise ourselves as a cop, a robber. And even a deer. Each day, everyone wore as special as they could. I also prepared a deer hat. It looked funny.
In the end of the week, Friday, we had a school spirit parade. We, sophomores also had our parade truck. We decorated the truck as a game, which was played with a ball. I also made many friends during the work. Morgan, a genius in our school worked with me. We bowed many balloons and put them on the truck. We also drew many pictures. After that, another classmates asked me to draw many bubbles and patterns on the post. These two classmates are Abby and Aaron. They are pretty nice and friendly.
After work, we needed to stick the post onto the truck. We used tape but finally we used hammer and nails to fasten it. Aaron was very curious about the hammer so she took it and tried to use hammer. I couldn’t imagine that American girl was really strong. ‘’Bang Bang’’ she almost killed my thumbs. We laughed with each other a lot.
Finally we went to get on a school bus to for parade. The bus will take us to the downtown. We got off at the front of the Prince Edward courthouse and waited for parade coming. That time, I met a new friend; David who had wore a hearing aid. Soon. We became good friends with each other.
The parade was really cool. At the start, we had marching band and big jeeps. In the middle, there was sport teams show off. Finally, our truck came. The truck was really interesting. There was a student in a bathtub washing his body. Morgan was a person who controlled a basket to catch a mouse. The parade lasted for half of an hour. I had a good time.
On Saturday, Jackie gave us an art class. We learn how to use simple lined, strokes creating nature rhythm. Unlike art class in Taiwan, she encouraged me to free my strokes. An hour later, I finished two good post cards.
This Saturday was also my first swimming meeting. One o’clock afternoon, we went to the French pool. There were bunch of swimmer. Ms. Paw helped me to know which event I joined. I had 100 yards breaststroke and 50 yards free style. I knew that was just a practicing meeting. To turning, and me who couldn’t even diving I could only do as best as I could. In the event, although I was not the first prize, I didn’t fall behind others too much. It was a good grade to me.
After swimming, the most expected activity in this month was coming. Home coming dance! After dinner, I went to my room and took out the formal suit that my father brought for me in Taiwan. It is elegant gray. I put on my suit carefully and tided my tie. In front of the mirror, I told to myself ‘’ it is my first night, I will not miss it.’’ I was on the way to school.
Arrived school early, Vine and I tool a walk around the gym where was dance. We were both nervous about the dance. To him, party has another bad meaning in Brazil. To me, a hick from Taiwan, which is a conservative country, dance, was not my experience. I was in panic. I didn’t know how to dance and socialize.
Finally, the dance started. Every couple danced with each other closely. I just walked around and said Hello to my acquaintance. I didn’t know how to get rid of this kind of embarrassment.
I tried to find a person who didn’t have partner but I couldn’t find out. I met my friend Blue who had the partner. He asked me whether I had a partner or not. I said that I didn't have one. He said that was a shame. Her partner Aaron said that she would dance with me later. I was appreciated that I could have a dancing partner. During the waiting time, I talked to Morgan who didn’t want to have a partner. We talked many subjects and field. From American literature and American country song to the technology of hydrogen, we realized that we both like reading and thinking.
After talking, I went to the snack station for some snack. Suddenly, I saw that Aaron had no partner so I went to ask her for dance. I couldn’t believe that I had that such great confident to ask a girl for dance but I did. The first dance was just unbelievable. Actually I didn’t know how to dance so I just followed by my partner’s step. Soon, I removed my shyness and started talk with her. She is an Irish emigrant who moved to Virginia from Florida. I imitated other people’s style. I put pair of my hand around her waist. I had almost no experience to touch other people’s body, especially girl. It seemed like I place my hand around her waist. In fact, I maintained my hand in the air to keep from touching. Suddenly, She did one thing that I couldn’t forget. She put her hand on my hand and pressed my hand on her waist without any word. I looked at her and got a safe expression. I knew my face turning red but I was happy and safe. It was my first dance. I couldn’t hear the loud music but her pulsation. It was touching.
In the middle of night, Ham’s host parents picked me up. My brother and I were invited to their home this weekend. In Ham’s father’s car, there were 7 people filled of a 4-seats car. We were all happy and talked with each other.
On the bed, I couldn’t fell asleep. I was excited. I did one thing that I never did in Taiwan. It was just wonderful.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Home coming dance

Homecoming Dance
I had a homecoming dance last Saturday. It is my first dance party in my life. Here are pictures. I will post my article this weekend.

All exchange student in the dance
(holland China Thailand Brazil
Taiwan Japan)
Aaron, my classmate, I danced with her four times. She is my first girl dance with. Although I felt a little bit nervous, I still asked her for dance. she is warm-heartness. She often took care of me. Just like sister
Morgan is a hard-working student in my school.
I talked with her in many subjects.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New brother

3rd Sep. 2007

It was a very good day that I already met my brother Vini. We took him this morning at Lynchburg Regional airport. You know these days Jackie and I were very worried about Vini. I thought I could ease my mind now because Vini seen pretty fine and I thought that we would have very happy days in the future. By the way, I thought dealing with another countries exchange student was another challenge but very good chance. Maybe I can learn some Portuguese from him. It sounds very good. And personally, I thought he was pretty cute and very different from Taiwanese student. We are too old.

I knew when exchange student arrives their host family, they will be hungry and tired, So I prepared some Peanut butter toast, one can of Spirit soda and one banana. And I am glad that Vini like that. Be friendly to other people was way to win friendship and confidence. I thought I did it at the first moment.

After a long free high way, we finally get our warm home. I help Vini to set has luggage well and Jackie said the same thing to Vini. ‘’There was Antique everywhere, so put down your school bag.’’ I thought she cherish her Antique. Vini send me slippers and a key ring as gift. I give him my name card and a national flag badge as feedback. I love the Key ring he sent me because there was Brazil national flag on it and it shaped like Brazil.

After a short rest time, we went to community center to eat Potluck the big dinner. There are so many people there and they bring many dishes of delicious food. I remember that in Taiwan my grandmother will bring her dishes to the community party. Jackie took as to the Kroger supermarket and bought some good ice cream. I ate some carrot, ham, mashed potato, tomato slice and pasta. They are all very well. While we are having good meal, two women and one man talked to us. Jackie introduces us to them, and they are all very happy to meet us. I thought they are my friends now. I met Jackie’s neighbor who will pick up us while Jackie was not at home.
I thought it was important to meet her.

Then I took many kinds of desert. I took chocolate cake, Cream pie with Strawberry jelly, chips and some ice cream. They are delicious too. I love it.
This was my third meal in the US. I thought I would have more good meal in the future.
American food was so good, no wonder American are almost fat.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

चोकोलतe चिप Cookies

今天一整天,我都待在家裡,有很多問候的電話,轟媽的兒子還有鄰居都來看她,在她好起來之前,我只得做功課、畫圖、打掃家裡,我希望她趕快好起來,因為老人如果生病,拖了很長的時間,病會一直惡化,我想至幾天我應該主動和弟一起把整個家裡的家事扛起來。如果在台灣我的父母生病了,我也會這樣做, 何況是在美國。
今天晚上實在沒甚麼胃口,翻了翻廚房的櫥櫃,我發現了坐Chocolate chip cookies的巧克力粒,與事我和轟弟照著包裝上附的食譜,找齊了材料,坐起了餅乾。對我來說自己做菜其實很簡單,尤其是這種只要把全部材料混在一起的食譜,但是面對櫥櫃裡一排排的英文標示,我實在很擔心自己會把鹽當成麵粉,灑了壹大把。還好我的轟弟知道所有食譜上的材料,
但是我又遇到了另外一個問題,我的英文實在沒有好到可以溝通無阻,有的時候我們只能用body language溝通,經過一陣手忙腳亂之後,我們終於照這食譜上說的把餅乾送入預熱的烤箱, 但是過了五分鐘後,我聞到了我不想聞到的味道-燒焦味,原來我們的餅乾有一部分不是用烤盤裝,所以受熱不均勻,烤焦了。幸好只有三成的餅乾不是用烤盤裝的。