Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ma Mam Mia

Located in the downtown New York City, the Broadway is known of its Broadway Show. Since 18th century, the New York City has been the center of American theatre. Many familiar dramas such as Chicago, Phantom of Opera and Cat are all come from Broadway.
It is my first time to be in New York City, the most imagine for me is not the tall buildings and busy people. In contrary, I was expecting the Broadway Show. Theatre can usually present a culture concern rationally. A player on the stage can present a family or a shadow of a society. A conflict and a climax can also express the mood of people and the movement of the society. The stage and props can also show the art and economy of a nation.
Couple weeks before the trip, I checked the Internet for information of Broadway Show ticket. When I saw the price, the first thing came to my mind was “Taiwanese Headache” which my mom always made fun of me because I didn’t like to spend money, but after my theatre teacher who lived in New York before suggested me to try if I could find the half price ticket online, I finally found out an acceptable price. A little asks could save me hundred bucks.
The show we saw was “Ma Ma Mia” which had been played in Taiwan before but I hadn’t had a chance to see it. The Ma Ma Mia is talking about a young girl has no daddy. Before her marriage, she wanted to find her father and accidentally read her mother’s diary about her three former boyfriends. She sends the invitation to each of “father candidates” to here wedding. She also needs to figure out who is her real dad among three men. The story is happened in the Greece, a romantic and mythic state
First time appreciating a formal show, there was nothing could cover my curiosity and happiness. Mom and I lined up for the show in front of the Winter Garden Theater on the Broadway. We were all excited and expecting to see the show. Entering the performance hall, we saw many people wore formal clothing and looked like ladies and gentlemen walking around and talked with each other elegantly. The spotlight and the elaborate architecture constructed an atmosphere of beau monde.
The show started with a happy girl sang about how happy she was to get married. She invited her cousins, aunts and her “dads”. Her mom was a hard-working money lover. She sang the song “ Money! Money!” in the very cute way. Other flat characters and dancer gathered together and tried to hook the audience as the money hooks mankind.
The girl’s fiancé was an employee who had a strong infatuation with diving and fishing. The night before wedding, he even went to diving with his buddies. The girl’s aunts were totally different. One of them was a mammon, and the other was expedition. Three fathers had their own personality too. They were successful businessman, explorer and normal person. In addition, there was always a strong single parent momma. They tried to find the perfect match with each other on the crazy little island. How “Ma Ma Mia” it was
Bowing, the certain slowly fell as feathers. That was a great night with my momma. A good theatre always reflected a deep part of people’s mind, which wasn’t expose too much. In the final scene, the girl decided to let her mother being her father. Mother always support and love children. I love my mom and glad that she cam come.

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