Monday, March 17, 2008

The first experience of tractor

Sorry I haven’t shared something recently since I was too busy on swimming tournament and my family’s coming. Those were all raining days. The low pressure had just passed by the east so we got couple week heavy rain. Actually, I love rain and I still remember when I was in Hue-Lien for junior high school, every single day in summer, I was expecting the heavy rain with lightning after the sultry morning. Virginia, in fact is not that humanity than Taiwan though it still close to the Atlantic Ocean.
The rain always washed the earth and the air. I think that is why I love the atmosphere after a heavy rain. The air always emits some grass smell and soil odor. Also, the soil became very soft and full of earthworm. Yeah! That is the sign of life and our young mother nature.
Since last month, we had started germinated many kinds of seeds in Agriscience class. Now, those little babies were all germinated with a little or a big sprout and couple leaves, reflected with the vivid sunshine. Our green house seemed to be too crowded to expend the plantation so our teacher Mr. G decided to move the seedling out and plant them into the ground after the frost season and even some of cold crop can go out first.
Yesterday afternoon, we went to the garage for tractor. I didn’t know how strong the tractor is when I first saw the light-green John Deere trade mark but after Mr. G operated it, the engine started groaning like a water buffalo. My Japanese friend J jumped on the tractor first. Mr. G taught him how to switch gearshift and use and speed the engine. He drove to the school’s backyard and stopped it. We helped Mr. G to install the steel plow on the back hook of the tractor. That thing is obviously heavy. We barely installed it and saw the tractor just gently lifted the whole plow. Amazing!
I drove the tractor back to the school garden. I didn’t know I was able to control that green beast. I push the bar, speeded the engine and then pull my foot back. The tractor then went forward slowly. As I pull my foot back, the tractor suddenly started running.
It was excited to drive the 1 yard-diameter-wheel vehicle in the muddy road. Although I was just a beginning tractor driver, I still tried very hard to control the tractor but sometimes I couldn’t really see what it in the front. Actually, I almost hit the school mailbox in a corner. I thought I would crash it with 1 inch.
When we arrive the field. Mr. G taught us to plow the land. He drove cross the field and put down the steel plow in the end of the field. While the tractor was driving forward, the plow behind started tilling the ground. I meant the plow was really big and can easily flip 1.5 feet deep of soil. Almighty technology.
Mr. G let me try to plow the land. I didn’t feel that nervous than my first driving. Instead of that, I just tried to do things like my teacher. On the right hand side of my seat was the control of the plow. If I push to the end, it will leave the plow, but I just drop the plow into the ground, shift the gearshift to the backward and pull my foot on gas pedal. The tractor smoothly tore the ground behind me without any noise. As the technology developed everyday, it changes our way to live, produce and consume rapidly. How people use the technology properly is an important issue. It is a good experience to get closer to the really applied technology.

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