Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A visit to Da Jhong Temple(大眾廟)

Great big arch, at the Da Jhong Temple in Hsing Jhung City looks exactly like the one most Taipei people remember from their childhood which they usually go to the temple with their grandparents. The traditional-styled sculpture lining along the little alley heading to the main shrine remaindered me the time my father brought me here praying that I would have a peaceful and safe year in the US, before I was gone last year. This year, as I came back peacefully with lots of substantial memory, dad suggested me to go back to the Da Jhong Temple to show my appreciation to those divinities of the earth and local for their blessings.
In the early morning, I arrived the shrine with a faithful mind. Entering the main hall, there were already disciples of the temple doing their routine praying and some people like me carrying couple offerings were looking for sign that guided us how to go through different divinities. Totally we had to light up twelve incenses, and sticking each of them into each of incense burners (the one with three legs) in front of different divinities. There were 9 different divinities in the temple and each of them had their own works for human. One of them sitting in the main hall was Dizang(地藏王菩薩) who saved people from the hell. She said "Not until the hells are emptied will I become a Buddha; Not until all beings are saved will I certify to Bodhi.” . I stuck one of my incense into her incense burner for her deed.
Actually, in the middle of my visit, I took a browse of the traditional architecture in the temple. The roof was impressively decorated by all the finely carved and sculptured art work of Chinese traditions.
One of the design, caught my attention was a superb technic called“Cassion” (藻井) used on construction and decoration for thousand years on oriental temple and palace. Layers of colored panel crossed and laid on each other constructing an solemn atmosphere.
I wasn’t too long for me to finish the whole process which most of the young generation were not patient enough to realize the meditation in it. I came out from the door which had been used on dome guarded by two stone tiger sculpture, and they seemed smiling.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Go Virginia Tech

Remembering there was a homicidal case that a student killed 32 people in Virginia Tech, I still couldn’t relate it to Virginia’s best engineering school I was visiting. Virginia Tech, located in the Blacksburg in the western Virginia, offered the student in Virginia and the rest of a world a great place to study. In the tech, there is usually 300000 students study in different variety of subjects. Since Virginia is based on agri-business, the tech has great Agricultural science program for those who is interested on Agriculture. In fact, the Virginia Tech used to have the 7th fastest super computer in the world.
The early morning, Jackie and I woke up early and hit the road. That was a long drive, totally 146 miles. We drove through the farm, factory, city such as Lynchburg, Bedford, and even we drove by a row of gasoline tank when we were in Bedford. Finally, until we almost hit the Blue Ridges, we took a exit toward Virginia Tech.
The campus was humongous that took us a little while trying to figure out where to park. As we parked the car and found ourselves on the map, there were only 5 minutes left until the first head of campus tour leave. In the rush, I took a glance around the tech campus, the hoary-style castles, towers and halls congregated around the central great lawn. The students with books and laptop strode upon the marble pave way whether they were going to a class, or just sauntered around. Also, I realized that Virginia tech had many Asian population as well as any other engineering schools.
As we arrive the guest center, there were already some teenagers with their parents assembled and waited for the campus tour. The students led us this morning was from Agricultural engineering. Filled with willingness, they were so nice and poised to show their campus and environment, but what impressed me was their way to walk. They could walk backward steadily and fast without bumping with each other or flipped over. That was really funny.
As one of the students told me that Virginia tech combine dinning credit, bus pass, laundry machine, security system and other different function in order to simplify different cards and systems, we passed through the library and media center which amazed me because of its modern design and avant-garde.
In the end of the campus tour, we finally went to the building of engineering school where the student lucked the building and committed the crime but it was still full of student who walked around for the class. It was a busy building.
The counselor gave us a little presentation about the engineering school which I might be interested. She said all student would be required equipped a laptop that could transform into the notepad. Before students graduated, they had to do a project which such as making an airplane, a manpower submarine or a concrete canoe. I through that was very important for a student to do a practical project to apply what they had learnt in their daily life. Also, it was also a different way to learn by dealing with such thing like budget, teamwork and achievement.
After the tour, my mom and I were hungry and exhausted because we walked around the campus the whole morning. We wanted to find some place for lunch, but it was very hard to shuttle between heavy traffic and humongous campus, so finally we went to a place called “ Five Guys”. This fast food restaurant was known for its thick and old-fashioned burgers and fresh cutted and fried French fries. It was my treat for my mom’s 7 hours marathon driving.
We grabbed a handful of peanut, sat and talked waiting for our meal. The restaurant claimed that everything in this restaurant was made in US. When it was our turn to pick up our lunch, the clerk announced my name “ Hwa ”. Seldom, people pronounce my name in the way it supposed to be, but this time the clerk pronounced it really accurate. As I picked up the bag, it was so heavy. I took out the burger. Two piece of paddies with layers of cheese, tomatoes and lettuce barely piled on a small bun. I took a bite and realized that it just fit my big bloody opened mouth. I bet the whole burger weight a pound. The French fries was really fresh and crispy but a little bit greasy. After I finished everything, I finally realized why its called “five guys” because their burgers was really big. Well, everything in the America is big, so is people.
It was a great day the I had oppitunity to see an classical American engineering school. If I got a chance, I might apply Virginia Tech. Actually, I was already a faithful Tech fan with my “VT cap”.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Night Safari-The Prom

Spring is always the season when everything and every creature resuscitate for the new year, but to us, teenagers is the season to graduate, to leave and to step on a new journey. Cherished the coming of spring and the ending of the good memories, American school or church usually has a dance called “Prom” for those who will leave for the other new challenge of life. In the end of my year, I will graduate from my American exchange year too.
Remember in the end of the winter, I met a girl in a Mormon church in Richmond. As my dad told me, I should have friends I could talk on the phone, I have been her friend for half year. We talked a lot and had lots of fun. Although we were both very busy people, we still tried to share fun in each of our daily life. Day by day, I have learnt lots of different things from. She shared me her experience on fencing, dealing with animals and people and I shared some of my working experience with plants and American. That have been the luckiest thing I have had in my visit-to have somebody to talk and to share my loneliness.
As the end of the school year came, her church had held a prom for those who wanted to meet new friends or to say “good bye” to old friends. That was my pleasure to be her prom date, invited to her first prom.
In March, I received an invitation from Mormon Church about the prom in Richmond Metro Zoo. To me, the prom was a fresh term especially the prom in a Zoo. Dance with monkeys?
Seriously, I had no experience about the prom, Meanwhile, My host mom’s daughter, school picture photographer came home to see her mom. She was an expert of prom because she took prom picture for many high schools and universities. She knew some tradition of prom and told me that I needed to have a certain color of tie to match my prom date’s dress and also I needed to have a corsage for my prom date. To me, go to prom was like to go to take SAT that serious. I talked to her and figure out the color of dress and corsage. I checked on the ebay and found a good solid color tie.
When everything settled down, I talked with her again but she said she got a free dress with different color. How a surprise! I went online and change my order. Good thing that I could change the deal. Well! As my host mom told me “The woman has right to change.” That was my first lesson.
The madam brought me to Richmond was very nice. She had been driving her sons and other teens to Richmond for more social chance for a long time. She also made dress and corsage for those girls and boys. My corsage for my date was a little white rose with silky leaf and sparkling pearls which looked very elegant and fascinating.
The afternoon before the prom night, two vans with ten kids crowded headed to Richmond. Ya Hoo!
On the van, I had met many people from other schools. They all dressed up really pretty and handsome. Everybody seem happy and expecting the prom.
We arrived the zoo, I came out the van with a little bit little boy-nervousness. I didn’t what would my date looked like nor what to talk with her. I stepped into the zoo, handed my ticket and then I saw her parents. They were all excited about their daughter’s first prom. Her dad brought a big cannon camera to take a good shot of her daughter and her mother was really excited and dressed her daughter up. I talked with them for while. They led me to the hall which hosted the prom. I saw her in the middle of the hall looking at me. She was so pretty, wore very simple but graceful sky blue dress. With a little shining blue sprinkle on the top of her inborn bright black hair, She was really unique in the crowd. She sweetly put a little red flower hairpin that I gave her a gift of friendship in my palm and told me to help her put on. I carefully stuck the hairpin into her topknot. Suddenly, I knew we were the most special couple in the whole prom. Her dad rapidly took couple shot of us. I was nervous so I didn’t even talk to her immediately. Later, we sat outside of prom hall where had some seats and tables for those who were waiting for prom picture. She was a little nervous too. To prepare for prom, her mother helped her to dress up and to arrange the hair. Actually, before I came to prom, I was working in the school garden in muddy field with sweat. Although I took a really good shower, my face looked like over cooked moon cake.
We both didn’t like fast music such as Rock and Roll or Pop music but classic and slow gentle music. Totally, we danced four times. Even I felt headache in the loud music. We chatted a lot with other different people. There was only one fast song we danced the tap dance, sounded like a Scottish song. I couldn’t catch the melody and didn’t know when should I kick or tap at first. Later, We figured out what were we supposed to do. That was fun to follow the melody and move the body, but to her, Good thing she took her high heel shoes off, so she didn’t need to ruin her foot. By the way, I was trying so hard not to step on her foot and finally everything were fine.
As I felt sleepy, the prom ended at 10:00 o’clock. Coming after the prom, the After-prom party was a relaxing activity to do after heavy suits and dresses. After we changed into casual clothes, we met together and took a little tour train to the interior are of the zoo to see animals and to experience different kinds of carnival facility. That was exciting on that over occupied tour train which was transformed from a little truck. We actually needed to jump out and pushed the tour train when it headed a so-called high hill.
The light of carnival atmosphere led the prom night to the climax. After a prom, we were tired and hungry. She brought me to the consession and we had some pizza and awesome smoothie for the energy until midnight. Talking with people, we knew that the sky ride was lots of fun. We lined up for the sky ride with one of my friend in front of us. Well, my date was technically taken because each of the ride can sat two people, he didn’t have a date so he naturally “shared” mine. That was fine, but later I had to sit by myself. While the sky ride was rising from the ground to around 30 feet tall upon the air, I was freezing cold and a sudden acrophobia. The breeze of night passed through my feet with a little drop of lake. The moon hung on the other side of sky. What a night voyage! Just like the poem of Li-Bai, he said ” Tonight only has moon drinking with me, so I drink with myself and my shadow and the moon as triple”. Well, that was simply enjoying oneself. Graduated, I started whispering some song such as “ The rain drops are falling on my head”. The rain was still falling on my head but I knew I would be no longer alone because I had my head.
The night passed so fast that I couldn’t realize the ringing of 12 o’clock was already knocked. As the princess in the “ Cinderella” had to go home before the mid-night, the prince tonight had to go the wooden hill too. After the palm tree climbing, I was really tired and my hands were so sour. I didn’t how came I could have that kind of strength and speed to climb a 20 feet tall palm tree within minute. I through that was because I was very happy and I knew my prom date was cheering for me.
We walked to the tour train station waiting for the next train brought us to the entrance of the zoo. Sitting on the train, Her parents appeared in front of us. It is always good to see adults when you feel tired. At least, they made me feel safety and comfy. I asked her” Are you happy? “. She replied me with a sweet smile. I through I had done a good job and I was happy too.
In the story of “ Cinderella “, the princess had a beautiful pumpkin wagon was her ride, but it was pity that the fact was, when the time passed 12 o’clock, the wagon reform to a real pumpkin and the handsome white horses turned into little mice. Fortunately, tonight I didn’t need to worry about my ride. As we walked outward the zoo, a GMC truck parked in front of me. I remembered my dad had a little box-car, and that was our truck. I always feel really safety when I sat in the back seat watching my dad rolling the steering wheel.
On the way to her house, I felt really happy and I couldn’t believe I was invited to her house for a weekend. It would be a great chance for me to see the other American family. When we arrived their home, It was actually 1 o’clock, well, “ Good Morning and I will go to sleep.” The prom was really meaningful and joyful, I couldn’t image the coming weekend.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Liberty Island Tour-Statue of Liberty

Since 1776, United Sates of America have been a strong practicing country of liberty and democracy, a country which spreads the messenger of liberty all over the world and protect those away from tyrant and autocrat. Also, United States is a union consisted by immigrants come from everywhere around the world. No wonder people call it “The Melting Pot”.100 years after independence, a friend of US, France gave American a gift to honor valuable ness of liberty. The French artist Frédéric Bartholdi spended years designed and scupture this 34 meters tall, 204 weight bronze statue called ” Liberty Enlightening the World”. Since 1889, the lady liberty had stood on the liberty island welcoming those immergrant who came for liberty. Far away from liberty lsland, you can still recognize the statue when you sail in the Hudson river. I cannot imagine how awesome it was for the immmergant from Europe to see this symbalic wonder. Although today we are in the jet age, the liberty lady is still standing there enlighting the world with liberty and justice.
In the early morning of Mannhutan, the cloud was still sleeping, lazily swung among the skyscapers and the eraly seagull in the urban atmosphere. The breeze laughed at the people when people had funny face on as it passed through their legs. Walking to the Battery Park, My mom and I were still sleepy because of sleeping late. Suddenly, A little cuttie sneaked in front of us and quickly ran into the bushes next to us. A Squarol! We were excited to see a bunch of cute squarol waking a walk leisurly,even in the world biggest city.
Far away, we merely saw a tiny shadow in the middle of Hudson Bay’s morning mist. That is the Statue of Liberty. Facing the Hudson, the Statue of Libery stood still to welcam he coming of the new day with seagols ,sea waves and for sure, the tourists from the world. Part of tourist was us. We joined the line and tried to find out where was the end of the crowd. Really, We took a long walk and finally found the last person of the whole group meanwhile we had already walk for half mile away from the deck.2 hours wasn’t too long if you had lots of fun during the boringness fowaiting. My mom and chated, shared out happiness and appreciate the unexpected episodes. We met a couple from Spain who were just behind us. Because my mom had been to Spain before, she was really supprised and tried to talk to them. We excitedly trying to talk Spanish with each other. “Hola” and “Gracias” filled between our ice-breaking conversation and also broke the cold morning. Finally, That was our turn for Liberty Island Ferry.
As our ferry approaching the deck, the lady liberty seem to be enlarged. I could see very detail feature of the statue. The bronze rust on the light green statue reflected the wave of the river shining throughout the Hudson Harbor.
The liberty lsland is a little island where used to be a jail. My mom and I walked around the statue, took pictures and helped others taking pictures. I didn’t know since when I started being particular on taking pictures. In order to approach the certain angle, I had to kneel or even lie down on the ground. It seemed to be rediculus but I did put something awesome in my SD memory card beside traditional people-in-the-middle pictures.
You know, sometimes people feel unexplainablly touched when they stand beside something monumental. I felt the same thing while I realized the statue was too tall that everything near her range would just being covered by her shadow. Her face and her eyes were looking in the same direction firmly. That remindered me that she has been standing there for hundreds of years. Certainly not everybody can do that. If she could feel, sh must be really tired.
After the visit of the statue, we were ready to go, meanwhile the police started dispersing the crowd, I didn’t know the reason but we just went rapidly to the harbor back to the ferry. The ferry started and brought us back to the urbanizec real world. Well, 3 o’clock afternoon, my heart were still throbing.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ma Mam Mia

Located in the downtown New York City, the Broadway is known of its Broadway Show. Since 18th century, the New York City has been the center of American theatre. Many familiar dramas such as Chicago, Phantom of Opera and Cat are all come from Broadway.
It is my first time to be in New York City, the most imagine for me is not the tall buildings and busy people. In contrary, I was expecting the Broadway Show. Theatre can usually present a culture concern rationally. A player on the stage can present a family or a shadow of a society. A conflict and a climax can also express the mood of people and the movement of the society. The stage and props can also show the art and economy of a nation.
Couple weeks before the trip, I checked the Internet for information of Broadway Show ticket. When I saw the price, the first thing came to my mind was “Taiwanese Headache” which my mom always made fun of me because I didn’t like to spend money, but after my theatre teacher who lived in New York before suggested me to try if I could find the half price ticket online, I finally found out an acceptable price. A little asks could save me hundred bucks.
The show we saw was “Ma Ma Mia” which had been played in Taiwan before but I hadn’t had a chance to see it. The Ma Ma Mia is talking about a young girl has no daddy. Before her marriage, she wanted to find her father and accidentally read her mother’s diary about her three former boyfriends. She sends the invitation to each of “father candidates” to here wedding. She also needs to figure out who is her real dad among three men. The story is happened in the Greece, a romantic and mythic state
First time appreciating a formal show, there was nothing could cover my curiosity and happiness. Mom and I lined up for the show in front of the Winter Garden Theater on the Broadway. We were all excited and expecting to see the show. Entering the performance hall, we saw many people wore formal clothing and looked like ladies and gentlemen walking around and talked with each other elegantly. The spotlight and the elaborate architecture constructed an atmosphere of beau monde.
The show started with a happy girl sang about how happy she was to get married. She invited her cousins, aunts and her “dads”. Her mom was a hard-working money lover. She sang the song “ Money! Money!” in the very cute way. Other flat characters and dancer gathered together and tried to hook the audience as the money hooks mankind.
The girl’s fiancé was an employee who had a strong infatuation with diving and fishing. The night before wedding, he even went to diving with his buddies. The girl’s aunts were totally different. One of them was a mammon, and the other was expedition. Three fathers had their own personality too. They were successful businessman, explorer and normal person. In addition, there was always a strong single parent momma. They tried to find the perfect match with each other on the crazy little island. How “Ma Ma Mia” it was
Bowing, the certain slowly fell as feathers. That was a great night with my momma. A good theatre always reflected a deep part of people’s mind, which wasn’t expose too much. In the final scene, the girl decided to let her mother being her father. Mother always support and love children. I love my mom and glad that she cam come.

Friday, April 4, 2008

My Dream Land MIT

Since I was fifth grade, I have had a strong interest on engineering. In our daily life, everything is based on engineering whether it is a giant building or just a piece of chocolate. Engineer is the brain and the human of human civilization.
I remember when I was child, my mom gave me toys such as playing block, which I need to think and create. My sister and I liked to create new stuff. Sometimes we combine many different kinds of toys to make a new shape or a new function; even we try to do ‘’surgery’’ on my sister’s Barbie doll. Later in the kindergarten, we still like to create.
Since 2003, my life had been full of scientific research project. My first long-term project was to analyze the principle of fluid dynamics in order to make an efficient aircraft. Since very early, I have realized and learned the spirit of science and the way of science such as teamwork. Science had been my interest and ambition through my academic life.
Maybe it is too early to establish an aim, I am still ambitious to make contribute my life on science and industrial, and my aim is to universalize and graduate replace the gas-consuming society. That will be my goal!
MIT had been the top engineering school for a long time. Professors and students have been inventing the new technology and create a new world day by day.
Located in Cambridge in Boston in, MIT is next to downtown Boston, Charles River and Harvard University.
In the morning of my first trip to Boston, we went to the MIT on the local subway system T. I had campus tour that day but I almost missed it because the campus was so big that takes me hours to figure out how to get to the other end. In the rush hours with my mom, we took a glance of MIT’s landscape. State Media laboratory center lied on the corner of the Greek style old main buildings with a modern face and impressive shape. The great dome of the Barker’s library was facing the downtown Boston across from the Charles River which is gorges but also harmonious with the trees and sky. Walking through the campus was other kinds of joy.
The campus tour started with hundreds of high school students and their worried parents at noon. In the crowd, most of them were oriental face and the rest of them were local American. They were all looked similar somehow. Maybe they are all nervous but curious about the school they were looking for. I glanced upward the great dome of the right wing of the whole building. The indirect light on the concrete surface reflected tender brightness but also create an awesome atmosphere.
The leading guide led us to the student center across from the busy intersection. Around the corner, there was the modern theater consisted by 3 main frame. It sounded like these 3 frames, which looked like unbelievable, supported the whole construction. The student center was a busy place. Student come for lunch or just grab and go. Beside the dining area, there was a big Olympic standard size swimming pool with bright lighting and great audience seats. As Mr. Pepper in his book Creative Factory: MIT “ Swimming half hour is the best way to relax.” The swimming pool probably will be my favorite place to go when I feel stress.
After the right wing, we went to the opposite side of the campus. We passed the tallest building known as “The Green Building” in MIT. Each year during the Halloween, the student will use the nitrogen liquid freeze the pumpkin and drop them from the top of the building, which are about 30 floors. Sounds cool, doesn’t it.
Suddenly after we passed two layers of glass screen, there lied a great big building. Maybe I should not say “a”, it was actually a pile of buildings known as State Center. In the front of the building, it looked a section of the airplane and the rest of orange building was just lying in random directions without any support. I doubted it would support itself well, but it seemed to be all right. Maybe that was the feature of MIT and MIT beavers, crazy but accurate awesomely.
We came back to the Endless alley, the sunshine came though the every glasses screen of every windows. In the end of the alley, we got out of the building. Facing us, there was the view of the Back Bay area of Boston. The tallest building was Hancock hall and the on prior to it was Prudential Center. Below the city, Charles River brought the spirit and the duck for this city.
In the opposite side of the Charles River, the Great Dome known as Barker’s library dignifiedly raise straight up on the bank. Wow! That is the temple of the industrial science to me. The great building was written “ Massachusetts Institute of Technology”. Although every letters ”U” looked like “V”, I could recognize it right away. After the campus tour, I came back to the Dome, took pictures and admire how import to me to see this spiritual creation. I was touched and briefly talked with the building; I kneel down, touched and felt the concrete ground. The whole building graduate became a part of my heart and my soul. I guest it was one of my homes, the home for me to struggle and to persuade. I kissed the ground with my skinny lips and quickly stood up. Meanwhile I knew that was where I should belong. Yeah! That is where I belong. I think now my aim is clear enough and close enough. It doesn’t matter if it is hard to enter the school. As Master Cheng Yang said,” If you have well, the power to achieve it will come with it.”

Monday, March 17, 2008

The first experience of tractor

Sorry I haven’t shared something recently since I was too busy on swimming tournament and my family’s coming. Those were all raining days. The low pressure had just passed by the east so we got couple week heavy rain. Actually, I love rain and I still remember when I was in Hue-Lien for junior high school, every single day in summer, I was expecting the heavy rain with lightning after the sultry morning. Virginia, in fact is not that humanity than Taiwan though it still close to the Atlantic Ocean.
The rain always washed the earth and the air. I think that is why I love the atmosphere after a heavy rain. The air always emits some grass smell and soil odor. Also, the soil became very soft and full of earthworm. Yeah! That is the sign of life and our young mother nature.
Since last month, we had started germinated many kinds of seeds in Agriscience class. Now, those little babies were all germinated with a little or a big sprout and couple leaves, reflected with the vivid sunshine. Our green house seemed to be too crowded to expend the plantation so our teacher Mr. G decided to move the seedling out and plant them into the ground after the frost season and even some of cold crop can go out first.
Yesterday afternoon, we went to the garage for tractor. I didn’t know how strong the tractor is when I first saw the light-green John Deere trade mark but after Mr. G operated it, the engine started groaning like a water buffalo. My Japanese friend J jumped on the tractor first. Mr. G taught him how to switch gearshift and use and speed the engine. He drove to the school’s backyard and stopped it. We helped Mr. G to install the steel plow on the back hook of the tractor. That thing is obviously heavy. We barely installed it and saw the tractor just gently lifted the whole plow. Amazing!
I drove the tractor back to the school garden. I didn’t know I was able to control that green beast. I push the bar, speeded the engine and then pull my foot back. The tractor then went forward slowly. As I pull my foot back, the tractor suddenly started running.
It was excited to drive the 1 yard-diameter-wheel vehicle in the muddy road. Although I was just a beginning tractor driver, I still tried very hard to control the tractor but sometimes I couldn’t really see what it in the front. Actually, I almost hit the school mailbox in a corner. I thought I would crash it with 1 inch.
When we arrive the field. Mr. G taught us to plow the land. He drove cross the field and put down the steel plow in the end of the field. While the tractor was driving forward, the plow behind started tilling the ground. I meant the plow was really big and can easily flip 1.5 feet deep of soil. Almighty technology.
Mr. G let me try to plow the land. I didn’t feel that nervous than my first driving. Instead of that, I just tried to do things like my teacher. On the right hand side of my seat was the control of the plow. If I push to the end, it will leave the plow, but I just drop the plow into the ground, shift the gearshift to the backward and pull my foot on gas pedal. The tractor smoothly tore the ground behind me without any noise. As the technology developed everyday, it changes our way to live, produce and consume rapidly. How people use the technology properly is an important issue. It is a good experience to get closer to the really applied technology.