Monday, June 2, 2008

Go Virginia Tech

Remembering there was a homicidal case that a student killed 32 people in Virginia Tech, I still couldn’t relate it to Virginia’s best engineering school I was visiting. Virginia Tech, located in the Blacksburg in the western Virginia, offered the student in Virginia and the rest of a world a great place to study. In the tech, there is usually 300000 students study in different variety of subjects. Since Virginia is based on agri-business, the tech has great Agricultural science program for those who is interested on Agriculture. In fact, the Virginia Tech used to have the 7th fastest super computer in the world.
The early morning, Jackie and I woke up early and hit the road. That was a long drive, totally 146 miles. We drove through the farm, factory, city such as Lynchburg, Bedford, and even we drove by a row of gasoline tank when we were in Bedford. Finally, until we almost hit the Blue Ridges, we took a exit toward Virginia Tech.
The campus was humongous that took us a little while trying to figure out where to park. As we parked the car and found ourselves on the map, there were only 5 minutes left until the first head of campus tour leave. In the rush, I took a glance around the tech campus, the hoary-style castles, towers and halls congregated around the central great lawn. The students with books and laptop strode upon the marble pave way whether they were going to a class, or just sauntered around. Also, I realized that Virginia tech had many Asian population as well as any other engineering schools.
As we arrive the guest center, there were already some teenagers with their parents assembled and waited for the campus tour. The students led us this morning was from Agricultural engineering. Filled with willingness, they were so nice and poised to show their campus and environment, but what impressed me was their way to walk. They could walk backward steadily and fast without bumping with each other or flipped over. That was really funny.
As one of the students told me that Virginia tech combine dinning credit, bus pass, laundry machine, security system and other different function in order to simplify different cards and systems, we passed through the library and media center which amazed me because of its modern design and avant-garde.
In the end of the campus tour, we finally went to the building of engineering school where the student lucked the building and committed the crime but it was still full of student who walked around for the class. It was a busy building.
The counselor gave us a little presentation about the engineering school which I might be interested. She said all student would be required equipped a laptop that could transform into the notepad. Before students graduated, they had to do a project which such as making an airplane, a manpower submarine or a concrete canoe. I through that was very important for a student to do a practical project to apply what they had learnt in their daily life. Also, it was also a different way to learn by dealing with such thing like budget, teamwork and achievement.
After the tour, my mom and I were hungry and exhausted because we walked around the campus the whole morning. We wanted to find some place for lunch, but it was very hard to shuttle between heavy traffic and humongous campus, so finally we went to a place called “ Five Guys”. This fast food restaurant was known for its thick and old-fashioned burgers and fresh cutted and fried French fries. It was my treat for my mom’s 7 hours marathon driving.
We grabbed a handful of peanut, sat and talked waiting for our meal. The restaurant claimed that everything in this restaurant was made in US. When it was our turn to pick up our lunch, the clerk announced my name “ Hwa ”. Seldom, people pronounce my name in the way it supposed to be, but this time the clerk pronounced it really accurate. As I picked up the bag, it was so heavy. I took out the burger. Two piece of paddies with layers of cheese, tomatoes and lettuce barely piled on a small bun. I took a bite and realized that it just fit my big bloody opened mouth. I bet the whole burger weight a pound. The French fries was really fresh and crispy but a little bit greasy. After I finished everything, I finally realized why its called “five guys” because their burgers was really big. Well, everything in the America is big, so is people.
It was a great day the I had oppitunity to see an classical American engineering school. If I got a chance, I might apply Virginia Tech. Actually, I was already a faithful Tech fan with my “VT cap”.